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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, I'd like to suggest labeling items that are used in quests with [Quest Item] in blue or red text in their description in order to prevent people from accidentally selling valuable items that they could later need in quests, and stop scamming by more experienced players on beginners. Since the only way to find out what items are used in quests is to look at every single quest and ctrl + f, it can be very time consuming. This would make life a lot easier for players and prevent mistakes. It could be even more useful if it said "Used in xxx Quest" I believe this is a very easy edit for the GM's to do (literally adding some text, can copy and paste it) and can benefit the community a lot. Tell me what you think, Thanks!
  2. The basic stats on Brutal AG mask is +10 to all stats which when added with certain forsaken knight equipment adds another +10 stats. Which makes it +20 (not considering all the added bonuses for each class listed), this is the same effect as the freebie Oliver wolf hood. My point is, there are no stats from the Brutal AG Mask. When i equip oliver i clearly see an increment of +20 stats, when i swap to brutal the +20 goes away, meaning no stats added from brutal... Can you please look into this, as for a donation item, i feel this is a massive let down. Looking forward to a favourable and quick solution from you guys. Ta, yz
  3. Hello! This is my first time suggesting something in this server's forum, so please take me lightly! :th_swt3: Also, there aren't any posts about this as I checked to no avail, but if there are either way I'm so sorry to trouble the readers then! So I'd like to suggest a Shop Search that could be put in the Control Panel if possible. It's like an online access to players who want to see if the items they're looking for are being vended in the Market. Maybe I should explain it more so.. It kinda goes like this: Player wants to buy Carat Diamonds cuz they're too lazy to even hunt for them So Player goes to Control Panel and clicks on Shop Search A Search Bar appears and Player types in "Carat Diamond" The Following will be shown: Item ID Name of the Item Amount/Quantity being Sold Price being Sold Refine (equip/weapon) Cards Slotted (equip/weapon) Shop Name Location (OPT since most vends are in the Market anyway) Vendor Name This idea actually came from another server I used to play at and I find it pretty useful if we have it for Forsaken's Server :th_blush: and it looks like this So there's my suggestion~ I'm really sorry if there are any similar posts like this, I might have happened to not see it so forgive me :th_sry:
  4. Hello! can anyone help where can i find cold moonlight? :th_ok:
  5. Hello! I was out in man_fild03 today, fighting some Hillslions, and was perplexed to find them dropping an item called "Heal Amount3." I searched for it in the item database, and did a @whodrops on it, but both times the item was considered invalid. Although it's filed in the etc. portion of the inventory, I decided to double-click it based on its item description. When I did, a small menu screen appeared, which looked like: It says to insert card, and I'm fairly curious, so I double-clicked a random card from my inventory, which resulted in: However, clicking the OK button after that results in no change. The items weren't compounded, and neither were they removed from inventory as though they'd been destroyed. There appears to be some crafting method involved, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Drag-and-dropping an equip (of the proper type to compound with the card) wasn't possible, and naturally, double-clicking the equip just added it to my character. Selecting cards simply re- moves the prior card in favor of the new one, and the OK button still has no result. TL;DR: I'm really, really curious as to what it's for, but can't seem to figure it out. Maybe I wandered onto part of a quest without realizing it? Does anybody know about this item, or what it's for?
  6. Hello! Can we have a Random Donation Item NPC? This Random Donation Item NPC would randomly sell 1 item in donation list at its donation price with 10tokens=$1. Every month this NPC would sell the same item. (It doesn't have to be 1 month as a time scale. It could be shorter or longer.) Upon doing so, this gives a little more power to tokens and a little less power to actual dollar. On top of that it brings closer the actual amount of the item in tokens in game. A dollar can already be exchange to tokens anyways.
  7. what jobs are kinda over power but doesn't really need that much item on PVP?
  8. I love hiding around for_fild and then resurrect characters that randomly die because of AoE attacks or just plain PvP madness. Whats your random habit?
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