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Found 12 results

  1. Hi Guys! I'm very very excited to find such a good server but i have an issue...I'm a Mac user :( Most of the time when i'm trying to patch game client or login into the game or via Wineskin it crashes... Maybe i do something wrong or the security system kick me...or whatever... I really want to play, but i can't :'( Does someone play on this sever via Mac computer and how you do this? And the question of ForsakenRO team:3 Is it possible to make patcher/client or Mac users? I saw that some severs made this... Thank You!
  2. I reinstalled and moved these files just to keep this game server running, but I keep on having this kind of concern. Please Help me bring me back my childhood. I read all these types of concern to the internet and followed their instructions, still it doesn't work. If you can personally help me, please email me at [email protected] or reply to this concern.
  3. Hello Forsaken community, Just thought id share a place where you and your friends can enjoy Ragnarok the Animation. http://www.ratemyro.net/page/Ragnarok_The_Animation/ This series consists of 26 episodes, all in English with no subtitles thanks to FUNimation Entertainment. It was first produced in 2004 and is still a must watch for any Ragnarok fan! Hope you enjoy <3 Synopsis A great evil is sweeping over the realm; an evil that the young swordsman Roan and his life-long companion, the acolyte Yufa, must face head on! For these two travel toward their destiny, from the highest towers to the depths of the underworld, through forest and desert alike. With an ever-growing cast of fellow heroes, fate will grasp these travelers by their very souls and propel the band of skilled adventurers towards a noble end. Or ignoble, if they don't watch their step! Monsters are afoot and the way rife with danger and magic, the path forward may be unclear... But where will is strong, there is a way! Lessons wait in the depths of darkness, and good must prevail. The journey starts now!
  4. I stopped playing RO many years ago. I was in elementary then. I'm 20 years old now and one day my life called and asked me: "I know you're getting bored just browsing some random stuff from the web. You're in front of the laptop for sometimes over 12 hours and all you ever do is download and download and watch and watch films, click here and there. Why not try playing back those online games?" -The laptop's not really a gaming laptop. -Most online games are 3D. -Graphics. I can't handle them. ...but... RAGNAROK. My first love. I searched and searched for good servers. I even tried with the official RO server here but for some reason I can't get it to work. My criteria for choosing a server is: 1) Easy, but still challenging 2) Not the mainstream kind of server So I landed here in Forsaken City. I am proudly playing for over a month now and I must say I'm satisfied with all that's going on, approachable GMs, new friends (who would ask you for a trade and give you quest items for free out of nowhere). I feel like my reunion with Ragnarok has finally killed my "spare-time drool-time" time. I'm looking forward to spending more of my future with ForsakenRO. Thanks for bringing me back to Midgard. Cheers! -MidnightAriadne :th_bawi:
  5. After downloading and patching forsakenro and nothing, clicking play does nothing more then cause the screen to flash once, a white box surrounded by the rest of the screen being filled with black, then flashing again and closing. I've tried changing resolutions/disabling fullscreen in setup.exe but that did nothing, and after checking the settings there again there were no resolutions options visable.
  6. Ochibi

    Food Thread .

    Balut lol
  7. -Im using Windows 8 -Running the game on Compatibility mode -I have installed the all in one I just dont know what to do anymore please someone help
  8. So all of the quests are good and all, but is anybody having storage difficulties? Please tell me I'm not the only one struggling to keep my stuff below 600 I'm aware of the existence of guild storage, but it's kind of an inconvenience compared to the normal storage (having to go to a town and go to the Kafra unlike the regular storage, which you could open almost anywhere). And I don't know all of my guild mates yet, so I'm not sure if I can put my stuff there Just a thought
  9. Gm please is there anyway to return my item back? because i accidentally drop my L.k Card and 4x T.G Card While Discarding I know its my fault for having too many different item.
  10. Does anyone else experience this? I cant seem to open a shop inside the mall. It says "You can't open a shop in this map".
  11. So recently when i tried to login to Forsaken something weird happned, my screen for Ragnarok was a small screen. I reinstalled Forsaken thinking this would fix it but it didn't, I went to setup and nothing could fix it. I know some other players have had this problems too but it seems like they haven't found a solution. Any help at all to how i can fix ths problems.
  12. umm guys .. i can't put my avatar in my profile ... always "Failed to set a new photo" when uploading :( i used 200 x 200 photo size even icon size doesn't work
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