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Mr. Masochist

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Mr. Masochist

  1. I've noticed when you begin a new character you receive the Wanderer's set. You can also purchase them at the item mall as well but we can't drop them or sell them back to the shops. Could we possibly make it so we could drop them? It seems like the only way to get rid of the parts is to trade them away or put them on a junk character and delete the character. Not that big of an issue but maybe something we could do?
  2. Thanks. :]
  3. Thanks guys.
  4. Approved by Miracle. S> Any Donation Weapon Specifics: You guys make offers, I like an offer, accept it, and buy the weapon from the Donation Store. We make a deal. Leave your IGN, Desired Weapon (Exact Name), Offer Transactions will be as fast as I get the item after donating and we get online at the same time. I will probably be doing this weekly, once a week.
  5. I didn't think any of my old friends still played. Lol.
  6. ;o I remember you. I used to be in Parody with you and we used to talk a lot.
  7. Alright cool. So now I have to find someone willing to buy a weapon.
  8. But I am on the right track? You guys were saying Valk weapons, I'm just wondering if that is the same thing as the "Soaring Sniper Bow" "Oriental Dexterity Sword" etc. I'm sure I can find a buyer, I'm just curious on what I can get to get the most out of my money.
  9. Are you talking about the "Soaring Sniper Bow" "Soaring Clown Bow" etc. weapons? Because if I can get all of that for just donating for one of them that would be awesome and I will definitely buy a few of those today.
  10. Planning on donating after a year of being out of the game. What should I get? I was planning on buying the F.Set flat out and the cards I need; or is it better to just get coupons and buy the gear from players? Running around gearless is annoying. :[
  11. Thanks guys. I had to redownload the client 3 times because of Chrome. :/
  12. I didn't think a login was needed. I will reupload the source and edit my post. Thanks. :]
  13. Render IGN Mr. Masochist finally found an active gfx forum. :D
  14. I went by Mr. Maschist (sinx) Another Dead Hooker (champion) as my mains. I knew I talked to a lot of you guys, wondering if any of my old friends still play. I'm redownloading the client right now and am probably going to start again.
  15. They're all amazing. Pink looks really nice. My favorite is probably the green,
  16. So now we have Transparent Wings in both wing npc? They were already in the Butterfly Wing ncp, but why the Monster Wing npc? And thanks Leni for the emp recolors.
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