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Mr. Masochist

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Mr. Masochist

  1. A lot of players will do this. They think they're better than everyone else because they own more items in an online game than someone else. Don't take to heart.
  2. Not to sound rude or anything but. the economy of the server is already pretty bad and doing this is going to make it worse.
  3. Santa Poring Ruck 30 Angeling Ruck 30 Leafring Ruck 20 Fset 85-90 +0 / 70-80 +10 Tao 25-30 Fbh 15-20 Kiels 35-40 Fdaggers 20-25 Fgun 15-20 Tgen 15-20 Incans 5-10 Purple Emp 250 Orange Emp 250 Green Emp 250 Belts 85
  4. http://www.foddy.net/GIRP.html same makers different hard like concept.
  5. What's so hard about it?
  6. Don't discourage this to continue voting for the server. The more votes we get on the server, the higher up we get on RMS, the more players we get to play with.
  7. Still no item to replace the scarf? Meh. Good update I guess. Best part is the new fcity.
  8. After letting the update sink in more I want to retract my previous statement. I really like how the scarf is out of the way now. A lot of the classes got huge buffs from different hats and used scarf. Now that scarf is gone if they chose to use the hats still they face freeze if not properly prepared. It makes freeze element more viable until the next item you guys are rumoring to release. I apologize for coming on so strong about it.
  9. 600 each. Leave name here.
  10. Thanks for the feedback guys and girls.
  11. 60 days of voting just to get an item that gets shit on. You should refund the tokens to everyone who spent time voting for it or fix the scarf. This really just messes a lot of classes and balance up. Not to mention we can't even vote for the Christmas item because voting has been down for what. 3 months now?
  12. Any more than 2 GS on the screen, even without effects on gives everyone lag no matter what.
  13. Just a head up. The first one isn't supposed to have flow. It's a still image piece. And number 5 is a multifocal typography piece being monotone is what they do. But thanks for the CnC
  14. Over the last few years I've been doing simple forum signatures and I thought I would share them with you. I love typography and I pride myself on it.
  15. 600
  16. I kind of like your style. You have any samples? :3
  17. You have any samples I can see? :3
  18. Requesting art of my fro character with another player's character. Colored or pen art is fine. I will pay a good in game commission for anyone who does this for me. If interested post in the thread and let me know what other details you need.
  19. I lost the link to the actual Ichigo part of the signature but if you need it I'll look it up again or I can upload the render from the psd. Here's the link to the BG http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l557/retr0rev0luti0n/darkstreet.jpg o ign: goblet
  20. 700 each. Leave name here or PM goblet in game.
  21. Broadcast colors were my suggestion. Edit: Oh, the colors. I thought you meant the suggestion for it. Anyways, great update. Can't wait to do the quest.
  22. As far as I know almost every other valk weapon can be held by their baby counterpart. So why can't this be? It only gives them Throw Tomahawk and other than that they can't do anything. They don't have cart termo as a pre-trans and I believe they don't have any other offensive skills as a pre-trans either.
  23. When I try to equip it, it says can not be equipped. If it's supposed to be like that, this can be a suggestion to do so and can be moved. :)
  24. Mr. Masochist

    S> Sgw

    S> SGW 2,300 or Thor's Hammer + 1500 Leave name or PM me at one of my IGNS goblet Black Lagoon C418
  25. The decarder in the hideout should be free to use.
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