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Mr. Masochist

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Mr. Masochist

  1. She's quitting and looking for tokens, not trades. Lol.
  2. Got into the event and thought of the contest lol.
  3. Mr. Masochist

    B> Stuff

    Buying 2 Tao 1 Sinx Card 1 +0 F.Armor 1 +0 F.Cloak Leave offers or PM me in game @ goblet. thanks
  4. I would have to ask Gen if they are in the system first lol.
  5. Well unreleased hats cost me $5 and the winds cost me $10. Also depending on the hat from RMS. Some of them aren't in Fro's database. I think the green hat you're talking about is Hunter's Cap, not sure though. But I am willing to donate for some if you're willing to buy them :)
  6. Maya Hat, Gold Myth and I'll be willing to donate for some if you're willing to buy just lmk. :) @Poringly: Yeah, that sounds great. :)
  7. Any color. PM me ingame or leave your ign here with a time you'll be on fro.(server time) my ign is: goblet
  8. I'll be on today. :)
  9. Selling Forsaken Elite Guitar | 25 Tokens Forsaken Elite Whip | 15 Tokens | 2 In Stock Forsaken Whitesmith Axe | 5 Tokens Each | 2 In Stock Forsaken Lord Knight 1h Spear | 15 Tokens Forsaken Paladin 1h Sword | 10 Tokens Forsaken Elite Katar | 10 Tokens Forsaken Clown Bow | 10 Tokens Forsaken Sniper Bow | 15 Tokens Forsaken Dexterity Belt | 55 Tokens | 2 In Stock Maya Hat | 50 Tokens | Unreleased Headgear Bascojin Card | 15 Tokens | 4 In Stock Berzebub Card | 5 Tokens Eddga Card | 5 Tokens Orc Hero Card | 5 Tokens Golden Thief Bug Card | 10 Tokens Buying Red Helm of Darkness | Looking for offers. Ice Pick | 40 Tokens Forsaken Assassin Cross Dagger | 25 Tokens Forsaken Strength Belts | 50 Tokens | Need 2 All prices negotiable. PM me ingame @ goblet
  10. Auras still aren't tradeable.
  11. Mr. Masochist

    Pk-No Pk

    A lot of people would leave the server if it was changed to something like this.
  12. Mr. Masochist


    No, its not a rant about people ganging me because honestly, I love it when people gang me, it makes things fun and interesting. The thing that irks me is when they gang you with 3-4 people and when you die they call you a "noob". Really? They are dealing 4 separate sources of damage, which you have to tank while you have to figure out which one is the biggest threat to take out first, WHILE having to maintain decent health, just encase a champ decides to jump into the fight, all while you have to worry about that random clown taroting you. Even when you kill one or two of them, they still decide to call you a noob after they have ganged you. See, I wouldn't care if they ganged me and just sat there after and kept their mouth shut, because then we can continue fighting, but it gets out of hand when they start insulting you and expecting you should be omgamazing and tank everything while winning. idk /rant.
  13. nvm sold the bow.
  14. Mr. Masochist


    Stalker Soaring Bow to Creator Black Oriental Sword PM Glee
  15. S> for 20 PM me at my name Glee.
  16. Can we make the new quest auras tradeable?
  17. If we removed them all and made then to the equivalent to the iRo items then the defending guilds would keep the emp forever. I agree on removing some of them because the amount of redux one can put on is close to 90-100%. Removing them all isn't necessary though.
  18. I think the HP boost should be on the Tao card giving them a 60% boost. Even at 200 vit, skols and 2 tao I only had around 190k hp. Sure they can dodge almost every attack if the ninja is skilled enough but they really need more hp. I agree with this.
  19. What is your favorite aspect of ForsakenRO? The customs is a huge plus when looking at the server. We have so many unique items, quests, mobs and even maps. I love all of the different things we have compared to the other servers it makes me feel like I am playing a totally different game than the regular Ragnarok Online I'm used to. What do you think are our strongest areas? PvP and custom items. I mean yeah, PvP isn't too balanced for the newer players because of the face that all of the "quality" items are harder to get and not readily available, but for the most part, you guys did a good job balancing out the classes so not only one class is TOO overpowered. What would you like to see more of in future updates? More chances for the newer players to get some good quality items so they can duke it out with the donators. Items that are aquirable from quests that helps them out from the start. Also, the elite quest should be easier, a lot of the newbies get discouraged because of all the items they have to hunt just to get a set of armor and a weapon. What are things we still have room for improvement on? Instead of moving onto the next big item, you should release patches that fix the bugs of the old items. Also, active, talkative, friendly GMs. What do you feel should be prioritized in future updates? New players, olds players, more custom items, custom quests and bugs.
  20. so can i be lesbian if i full buff?
  21. Can we end thana event pls?

  22. Mr. Masochist


    Som that was me, I PM'd the wrong person. LOL. They were saying shit, it was pretty funny. I guess I didn't change the name, my bad.
  23. Did you both send an email to [email protected]?
  24. Them running up into the northern part of for_fild01 is annoying when we're trying to pvp.
  25. Not very creative I know but: Sherlock Holmes IGN: Abolish
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