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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amitsu

  1. Amitsu


    pussy tactics man. i stopped using it. i only use it during a 5v1 fight lol. which is very often.
  2. so is over obsession that annoys us q.q
  3. Amitsu


    blunt weapon > all.
  4. Amitsu

    Draw With Me

  5. Amitsu

    Draw With Me

    uhhh and vapo, you're way over reacting. if you hate it. leave. because all you're doing is pissing others off with your own pmsing.
  6. lmfao freak shows.
  7. Amitsu

    Draw With Me

    wut? lol she gave him an arm... q.q
  8. Amitsu


    hi rebirthro is for fags. bring your friends
  9. Amitsu


    dempsey roll > shotgun
  10. Amitsu


    for the win
  11. do you draw your eyebrows?
  12. Amitsu

    My feet. >:

    run 3 miles in a near wasteland without stopping and tell me your feet hurt. includes rocks ditches up hills and down hills.
  14. LOL holy shit a month. mines a fricken week. i've gained 10 pounds in a course of a year lol
  15. Amitsu

    Huge Extension

    naming things are not a big deal. that can be changed in like 30 seconds. the main problem is getting the work actually done: the spriting and editing. which by far i know has made no progress. and that's only a basic overview. there is more to it then shown. i just wouldn't want to type it again. so basically its just a quick skim through the thing. of course a lot more things will be added
  16. did you gain weight justin? you got a belly goin.
  17. on my toes.
  18. Amitsu

    Huge Extension

    well i can clearly see that this idea isn't progressing at all so you guys do whatever you want. i already put in an accessory that will increase your power especially when in the other world to give you a higher chance of killing him faster than you would without the accessory. but equipments would be sort of out of the question unless it was equal to or greater than the currently existing ones, otherwise people would just see no point in using it.
  19. mine was Tiffany. she is a fat slut. people wondered if she was pregnant.
  20. i hope you get ran over by a tree bitch 8D
  21. reading forums =\
  22. Amitsu

    Happy Birthday!

    lol happy birthday
  23. well i happened to find out i get better grades in the classes i cut. lol
  24. Amitsu

    Huge Extension

    indeed cuz that's what every other quest is. but by storyline i mean connect it to what the prince douche says and not just create a story line based off of nothing. its a mainstream story line type thing. So instead of just complaining about what's what, its better to work on this with others to speed of progress and make it more efficient with others. Also you need FEEDBACK for even making something, because things can just get ignored when people dislike it. to be honest it sorta ticked me off hearing that someone was making or already writing something, another quest that has yet nothing to do with the prince douche in the game. also it not being mentioned or being feedback gained from any other player at all. including the fact that someone would think that their idea would be completely acceptable without anyone seeing it or giving feedback to it. that's my personal thoughts that i have as the person i am right now. its obvious that spiriting and designing takes a long time, that's why you don't work by yourself. I have no talent, that's why i'm asking for help from others. but you clearly didn't look for help and thought you could do everything yourself. not an insult btw. just a heads up.
  25. LOLWUT
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