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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amitsu

  1. O_o
  2. yea i know... and i still wont log in
  3. It's strange, My RO was working just a few minutes ago until i got disconnected from server. Then I can't log back in. I'm sure reinstalling wont help. I restarted my computer and that didn't help at all. No idea what the problem is but its strange while i get a Failed to Connect to server when it was working just a bit ago. =\ any in-game issues? Edit: no other accounts work either... Edit2: i just saw the thing that said post it in the questions forums. =\ this doesn't have a delete button either.
  4. Amitsu

    Best in Class

    nah the only disadvantage i have is the donates. lol i already know nearly all the card effects and some combos n such
  5. Amitsu

    Best in Class

    well it only is > than mine because i don't have doners. i MIGHT but im not 100% sure
  6. Ill also buy the Thanatos card for both my GTB and SinX card. Both my GTB+SinX for 2 turtle generals, 2 phreeonis, an incantation samurai, and an orclord card.
  7. both is a fail =\
  9. sinx card -> worth 65 coupons (thats how much i bought it for lol) and if you wanan be sexy stick in a phree for me :) its your choice lol
  10. Amitsu

    Best in Class

    im only on there once.. i feel horrible.
  11. lol
  12. i thought it was chaos since i never saw the status effect of illusion before. but type /effect to turn off the game effects
  13. k i removed it lol
  14. heres a few funny ones.
  15. Woo hoo I got a few. lol enjoy
  16. Amitsu

    Haibane Renmei

    Haibane Renmei literally translates to Ash Feather Federation, Charcoal Feather Federation, Grey Feather Federation or anything with the shade of grey, charcoal, or ash. Also other than Federation, I believe it can also be replaced with other words such ass alliance or colony. Recruiting level 255 players. Aiming for #1 on the guild ranking on the servers Control Panel. (if possible) When we have enough members we will have little guild events. Guild points of some sort will be given out when participating in events. Guild points can be used to gain items of wanting depending on how many points the person has. Of course, People will be under a small trial and soon be able to get their titles. Currently because of lack of people, only a FEW chosen people will get titles. The rest will be on trial until a certain time comes. We technically have a total of 152 spaces for people. The guild, Blood, is in our alliance and is also recruiting high level players. You MUST be Active, Fun, not QQing or flaming anyone, and experienced! Please join our fresh community and keep up the good work! Please ask someone from the guild, post here for an invite, or PM Amitsu. Thank you. Sincerely Amitsu. Yes its an anime... a fairly good one too.
  17. Amitsu

    The Cutsom Items

    That is much appretiated thanks alot :D (sprites are even better too) :) especially for the wings and hats hehe
  18. I was just wondering if there was a post here with all the customs with their sprites and stats so i know what i'm aiming for?
  19. Amitsu


    haha, thanks. i'm amazed that there are already over 100 people in a month old server? 2 months? :P
  20. Amitsu


    Hellos I am a long time RO player which sometimes means nothing :) Actually i just came back to RO after a loooong time of effing around in rebirthRO (worst server in history and the #1 on gamesites) truth is, the host (admin GM) threatens the server to shut it down if they dont vote for it =\. thats how he made over 10k in us dollars. hell just saying... But im just here cuz my friend just constantly tells me: "dude this servers just awesome." i ask him how hes like "i dont know its just awesome" and i download it and try it out a bit. i like it quite in a medium range. i meet a nice person : Fable :P well thats my long boring introduction. treat me well. i'm Amitsu ingame. Best regards :) i hope your worth the competition
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