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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amitsu

  1. mmm not TOO much haha.

  2. god forbid if they have slots. because if they do remove them they are op beyond sense. even if they DON'T have slots. especially with the dual daggering with sinx weapon? having that and using a forsaken dagger combo is beyond me. i think a poll whether to implement them or not was definitely needed. GG to non donaters.
  3. Amitsu

    New Job

    give gunslingers skirts /slur.
  4. I demand answers because it is clearly theft/plagiarism and copyright infringement.
  5. So what happened to the signatures that were on the items when you right clicked them? They aren't there anymore. Does this mean fro is giving 0 credit to the makers of the item sprites that it has?
  6. Amitsu

    Stuff -_-

    vit belt lord of death card forsaken elite dagger leave offers and your ingame name.
  7. yea i noticed it was a month ago haha
  8. Amitsu

    New Job

    yea lol. and no wonder haha. you still got 2+ more years till you actually gotta do crap i guess lolls.
  9. i still need to get enough money to buy the game and a memory card lol. my friend can provide me the psp but that's just about it.
  10. fricken hard to sell #^*#$* my ingame that i'll be on now is: Ditsy. not sure how active ill be though.
  11. Amitsu

    New Job

    how old are you? lol necromancer would get raped in pvp by priests though haha. and since we dont get corpses here in ro otherwise it'll lag shitless. there can be a thing where you get some sort of soul ball thing after killing the monster. and you can summon it using the ball.
  12. Amitsu

    New Job

    you have so much time sorrow. i wonder if it's been like this the past two years i've known you lol.
  13. ill buy the dex belts once i can sell my vit belts.
  14. what's your ingame name?
  15. Amitsu

    New Job

    Ninja -> Samurai (Magic using Samurai!! :D) -> Shinobi Gunslinger -> Terminator -> Rambo -> Sniper -> Juggernaut -> Soldier Too hard to think of one for gunslingers.
  16. yea being a gm is boring. good luck though :D
  17. okay mr. awesome. way to make some dumb assumptions like every other post. leni -> stfu.
  18. no you gtfo. i don't like being here anyways justin you need some exercise -.-. you're getting really puffy. stop froing start running. maria is pretty LOL (i see boobs) haha serenity looks like shes being possessed by some black stuff x]. or has tattoos. large imagination.
  19. thats one ugly ass baby. is that a hand? that hand is fucked up.
  20. Amitsu

    wtf is 32dds

  21. because its an RO forum for the server? duh? where people look for help and facts?
  22. i'm not a god =[

    you aren't either but WHO KNOWS, people like to kiss ass.

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