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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Annie

  1. o_o...
  2. Annie

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary, School tomorrow. ♥♥ The end. Of the holidays~
  3. I vote for deleting the donate weapons. Edit: ofc people shud get their money back. BS.
  4. Novice LMS would be suckish, all the pros would be 1 hitting the rest LOL.
  5. My sensors pick up a large concentration of faggotry.
  6. Annie

    Annie's Alley Shop

    deal @ plotus :3
  7. i suck at making sigs

  8. cuz u suck :C ♥
  9. I think people who cry about reducts are the people that suck too much to kill the people who equip it.
  10. Wish granted, but it was endowed with the power of a named bullet, and upon touching it you died. I wish for some pot man.. >:
  11. Is it me or has this topic already been made? owo
  12. Annie


    Fairytail = Magic Naruto?!?!?!?!?!?!
  13. nah i'll just play mabinogi. :3~

  14. Annie

    Top 3

    Sinx = EDP, Click, Spam Yggs, Backslide, Cloak, Meteor Strike < Repeat 10 times and die/kill.
  15. Annie

    Sprite Edit

    who is dat Ion. guy he's a douche.
  16. y did chu tell jerry that i hacked him, while i have most certainly not.

  17. tis shit crazy yo.
  18. y, ro sux wiff no gears.

  19. Brain.exe

    Just press PrtScreen on ur keyboard.

  20. omenisawdisjustnowiwannagoder.
  21. Desi u da best ilu still. ♥
  22. Anyway, your suggestion was denied, it became a flamewar, who cares, this topic has no point.
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