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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Annie

  1. Annie

    This or that

    Food fight. (Me and my friend used to have giant foodfights for our b-days :D) Small box or big box.
  2. secksy. I'll join in. Edit: Source [Here.] Edited in Paint Shop Pro X IGN: BOBKICKASS
  3. Annie

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary, SHIRTLESS GUY OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE PLAYING BASKETBALL WITH 2 SHIRTLESS FRIENDS ^__^. The End. P.s. Danny dun get no weird ideas from this post, most people still think u straight u kno? ;3 jk. ♥YOU
  4. The GM's shouldve stopped it much earlier, and instant ban isn't the solution. I'm not saying being a GM is easy, I'm just saying some of the staff members aren't very good.
  5. 1k coups for sig. special Juan price.

  6. Meh, I've never known the FkenRO Staff to be professional, Pat named 2 good ones and he himself is a good staff member but the staff on this server isn't that good overall. " ^Not hatin', just sharing my experience.
  7. f u man Twinkle Toes is my ign.
  8. Annie

    Top 3

    1. Edelweiss 2. Blackheart 3. Caspar
  9. Annie

    This or that

    None of those. Left or Right.
  10. Annie

    This or that

    To Eat. TO FAP OR TO FUCK.
  11. Annie

    Top 3

    Cirrus is Edu's follower? owo
  12. Selling items. Incantation Samurai Card Snow Cap Kiel D-01 Card Baseball Cap Irish Hat (Still smexy)
  13. Ugh, these backgrounds don't fit disney... @nines I don't join in because I don't have photoshop anymore.
  14. Annie


    It's related to the topic, so they don't have a reason.
  15. Annie

    Top 3

    1. Annie 2. Anniekins 3. [Annie]
  16. Annie


    My recipe for Annie. 3 spoons of fail 1 spoons of gayness 15 grams of magical pony poop. 1. Mix it all 2. Put it in the oven for 9001 hours 3. Take it out. 4. Serve hot.
  17. i gave them to a newbie.

  18. Granted but it doesn't work. owo I wish for my head to be chopped off.
  19. Dude i swear to god i wanted that to be a brick after i watched it 15 times. LOL..
  20. IMO, reduction equipment is balanced. Dev hat has 1 slot, and it doesn't have the effects an FHelm has, therefore they need more Agi for aspd, since they don't get +10 aspd. Of course! They should all die when you click them right? Imagine, what an absurd...they dare to...survive! Oh the nerve... Well said, well said.
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