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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. And quit saying shit from Naruto or whatever "...Total humiliation", it doesn't make you cool, mainly when you spelled humiliation wrong. Define strong half I've never seen you in a PvP room really. The only time you killed me was right after I gave all my equipments away and was in PvP under a PD/no HP build with store bought items, where you randomly popped up in screen, snapped, Asura'd me and Alt+F4'd before everyone else in the room ganged you. Otherwise I've never seen you. ----- Otherwise now that he's out of the way, I see no problem with this suggestion I mean, adds more versatility, usage to useless cards, new builds, less overpower...
  2. Lucius


    What is this, porno?
  3. I'm not trouble :[

  4. Because two wrongs make a right.
  5. But we're in the internet... It's ok to be immature here since we don't know each other's sure age.
  6. Lucius


  7. Lucius

    HI GUYSS. (:

    Bye. I am the forums. I mean Hi.
  8. Lucius

    Twilight. :3

    What the hell is a Twilight. I'm kidding. I never got to see the movie. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw...
  9. Oh yeah, protecting the cows enabled you to retrieve Epona too, back then that shit was CREEPY since they came out exactly at a point of time. Ocarina of Time is sexy, but not what the thread is about SORRY. But you make Zelda games look sexy LOL.
  10. I just got my hair done, t-t-t-totally dude? I stole my sister's phone...
  11. ForsakenRO doesn't mean you can insult others appearance now does it? Why do you do so then? Is your ego too far up because you have donation items and such, that you think your physical body is divine? Just answer the question without flames. I'm at 80% I wish not to have to flame back to yours, and I've been itching to know why you have such ego.
  12. This?
  13. kjfha I'ma stop. 3 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users) 2 Members: Zeitgeist, Ethereal --I'm tempted to reply to your post with a flame. But I won't. You have the ego to brag about your equipments and insult others and take places in a comparison of appearance, why not brag about your appearance? Logically, you took sides with Volcom because you are antagonizing against me.
  14. Yeah, your opinion doesn't count. [Picture removed as per request of the owner] And, I didn't get owned. I just tried to stop before receiving a warn.
  15. Negative. But I think we were almost all once like that in our younger ages. I just got to Termina Fields, yes.
  16. Creators have Acid Demonstration, I don't think they need more explosions.
  17. Wizards wouldn't be down by a lot or however you said it. PvP-based wizards should already automatically have 150+ vitality in order to not die in 3 hits.
  18. Why not create a huge thread with suggestions on what Elite weapons to fix. Ninjas and Stalkers have useless weapons too as far as I'm concerned.
  19. I'm go get some food and brace myself for another 10% warn unless I edit all of my posts. I could only edit my last post, LOL. We should be able to delete our own posts.
  20. LOLOLOL HOLY SHIT. LMAO. I was just like that when I got my first N64. So damn excited. That video made me laugh hard.
  21. Old game, but still enjoyable to today. Sometimes when I play Twilight Princess I get the urge to go back and play the old classics :P
  22. No, I have a girlfriend I don't have to hire hookers.
  23. So yeah, I just finished fixing my emulator for this game. Damn it brings back memories for how good it was, well done with a crazy story line. Release Date: 10.2000 System: Nintendo 64 So basically with the aid of various masks, 4 that completely alter link's image, you have to stop the moon from crashing down while solving the story behind the Majora's Mask. You go through swamps to snowy fields, to barren deserts and an aquatic home of the Zoras in order to discover what the mask has done. Anyone played it?
  24. Nobody but her "friends" liked her though. :/
  25. The one on the left looks as if she came to you only for food.
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