ForsakenRO Slangtionary
I saw a thread and I wanted to do it first then, that will be all
B> means Buying, as in, the broadcaster is buying the item announced
S> means Selling, as in, the broadcaster is selling his/her item
T> means Trading, as in, the broadcaster is trading his/her item
A> means Auctioning, as in, the broadcaster is auctioning his/her item
R> means Recruiting
GR> means Guild Recruiting or Ghostring
Lol means Laugh out loud
Lmao means Laugh my ass off
Lmfao means Laugh my fucking ass off
Rofl means Rolling on floor laughing
Wtf means What the fuck
y??? means Why did you kill me :[
no pls means Please, I beg you, do not kill me
GUN means Gloom Under Night
LoD means Lord of Death
Thana means Thanatos
a/s/l means Age, Sex, Location? (question format)
FCP means Full Chemical Protection
Buffs mean Blessing, Increase Agility, Assumptio or Kyrie Elison
Thx means Thanks
Pls, Plz, Plx, Plix, Plox mean Please
PvP means Player vs. Player
MvP means Most Valuable Player or Monster vs. Player
PvM means Player vs. Monster
Owned means Defeated in combat
Pwn/t means Owned
Qpons means Donation coupons
D/c means Disconnected from the server
IRL means In Real Life
WoE means War of Emperium
GvG means Guild vs. Guild Event
LMS means Last Man Standing Event
TLMS means Team Last Man Standing Event
NDLMS means Non-Donation Last Man Standing Event
H&S means Hide & Seek event
Ygg Tix means Yggdrasil Berry Tickets
EDP Tix means Poison Bottle Tickets
BoS means Box of Storms
Emp Aura means Magical Emperium Aurora a WoE drop
GM means Game Master
Bot means An illegal third person program used to level, hunt and buff
BoT means Box of Thunder
Under Construction - Will finish and alphabetically order later, I have far too much time on my hands