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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. I'm not naked, I'm shirtless... It's in my profile, with the boob-increase that Serenity gave me.
  2. I'll post pictures of me naked.
  3. Umika? From RO2? It's Damascus. Pervs calm down, she's like, 14.
  4. Critical attack. I use crits against them and it works all the time.
  5. Lucius

    New Card

    Coma is a good ally in battle against those classes. Unfortunately, I'm against this :[ I don't want my coma to be deprived from me against those classes.
  6. I speak the truth IRL too. I don't care about what others think, some think I'm too blunt and careless about who I speak the truth with. But in the end it just made me a bit popular.
  7. I'm hated for speaking the blunt truth all the time, I don't fear anyone though. That's how I'm at 90% warn. Meaning, if you're hated for Bisexuality, don't fear the people that hate you.
  8. Homo/Bisexuality isn't a reason to be flamed or hated for.
  9. Then start your own. Valentines Day isn't until tomorrow anyways, I don't see why the hell this thread is up in the first place.
  10. Staring or Starring? No drama for me. 90% warn.
  11. xBiscuit is sexy man!
  12. It was a pain handing them out -_-;
  13. Only if you post more pictures.
  14. Lucius

    Worth it

    What did I miss...?
  16. I was gonna get laid tomorrow. But I got the flu over the week. -____________-
  17. Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz. You Are the Thumb You're unique and flexible. And you defy any category. Mentally strong and agile, you do things your own way. And you do them well. You are a natural leader... but also truly a loner. You inspire many but connect with few. You get along well with: The Middle Finger Stay away from: The Pinky What Finger Are You?
  18. -_- wat Looks like you stole a whole lot of my stuff. Even the amount of hits it takes me, a donor, to kill a Homunculus.
  19. Fixed some, edited some and added Contributors section.
  20. It's been already said.
  21. Lucius

    HI GUYSS. (:

    :wub: :wub: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: okay
  22. DAMNIT let me finish it ho-gang. :[
  23. Yes it was. I mean, look at their skills ffs.
  24. ForsakenRO Slangtionary I saw a thread and I wanted to do it first then, that will be all B> means Buying, as in, the broadcaster is buying the item announced S> means Selling, as in, the broadcaster is selling his/her item T> means Trading, as in, the broadcaster is trading his/her item A> means Auctioning, as in, the broadcaster is auctioning his/her item R> means Recruiting GR> means Guild Recruiting or Ghostring Lol means Laugh out loud Lmao means Laugh my ass off Lmfao means Laugh my fucking ass off Rofl means Rolling on floor laughing Wtf means What the fuck y??? means Why did you kill me :[ no pls means Please, I beg you, do not kill me GUN means Gloom Under Night LoD means Lord of Death Thana means Thanatos a/s/l means Age, Sex, Location? (question format) FCP means Full Chemical Protection Buffs mean Blessing, Increase Agility, Assumptio or Kyrie Elison Thx means Thanks Pls, Plz, Plx, Plix, Plox mean Please PvP means Player vs. Player MvP means Most Valuable Player or Monster vs. Player PvM means Player vs. Monster Owned means Defeated in combat Pwn/t means Owned Qpons means Donation coupons D/c means Disconnected from the server IRL means In Real Life WoE means War of Emperium GvG means Guild vs. Guild Event LMS means Last Man Standing Event TLMS means Team Last Man Standing Event NDLMS means Non-Donation Last Man Standing Event H&S means Hide & Seek event Ygg Tix means Yggdrasil Berry Tickets EDP Tix means Poison Bottle Tickets BoS means Box of Storms Emp Aura means Magical Emperium Aurora a WoE drop GM means Game Master Bot means An illegal third person program used to level, hunt and buff BoT means Box of Thunder Contributors Kuyuti Tiago VapoRub Kittie xBlueberryx death... [GM]Shield Under Construction - Will finish and alphabetically order later, I have far too much time on my hands
  25. I've already suggested some upgrades for their homunculus, they have Acid Demonstration and to top it all off, they're the class that provides Full Chemical Protection, so they can do it on themselves anytime means they're good.
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