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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by iGay

  1. Bump
  2. iGay

    iPoison Shop

    Bump QQ
  3. My offer too xD
  4. iGay

    Hi, I'm back

    Welcome Hit|er :D
  5. Bump
  6. iGay

    iPoison Shop

  7. Bump
  8. ROFL he got owned thrice in a row and then calling his fcper to fcp in for fild ROFL AUHEAUHEUAHEUAHEUHUEAHUEHAUE
  9. Bump
  10. iGay

    iPoison Shop

  11. Bump
  12. 1.3k+Sacred Golden Wings=2.5k qpons :D . Find me in game on iDevo or iPoison.
  13. I will buy ur Pally Spear for 30 coupons or offer pm me in game on iDevo or iPoison
  14. You look okay but ur gurl friend uh (cant see) xD
  15. She would've been hawt if she had ( . ) ( . ),But unfortunately she got (.)(.). So.... i would say Jerry ur choice sucks :p And why would i be jeluz :D I dont want (.)(.). U can have fun with those Jerry. Gud Luck :D
  16. Yeah as the title says. Leave ur offers and ingame names if u interested in buying one.
  17. iGay

    iPoison Shop

    Nah 500 :p
  18. iGay


    Me neither. <.<
  19. Bump
  20. iGay

    iPoison Shop

  21. Jerry u srs? U love 14 years old Kid gurl :D . She will be having this (.) (.) AHUEHAUHEUAHEUHEAUHE
  22. iGay

    Sun & Moon Aura's

    Sun/Moon aura=+15 stats + Maya Purple effect=I m happy=People are happy=Server is happy=Everyone happy :D Happy Happy Happy Endings :D
  23. iGay

    I need zenys!

    B>500 Fcps=100k each :D
  24. iGay

    iPoison Shop

  25. How much lion mask?
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