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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by iGay

  2. Bump
  3. iGay


    How is it fair to add maya p effect and remove slot? It same as it is now. Coz if there a slot and no maya p effect people still put maya p in it. How is it still fair to give maya p effect and remove slot? Are u like fooling me?
  4. 4500 coupons. I got no good stuffs to trade.
  5. Yeah good suggestion. Maybe elite shotguns? All other classes have 2 weps maximum why cant gs's have?
  6. According to me its waste of coupons. Well, if u like to get one dont pay more then 150 coupons.
  7. iGay

    Forsaken Robe! 8D

    I agree.
  8. B>Emperium Aurora (Any Color is okay) Paying 3200 coupons. Leave Ingame names
  9. I LOL'D like Hell.
  10. iGay

    iPoison Shop

    Sold Gold Valk for 1000. Bump & Edited.
  11. 2800 for purple emp ign:iPoison
  12. iGay

    S> Blue&Gold emp

    BUMP my offer still exist.
  13. iGay


    Before dat gypsy's will be screwed.
  14. iGay

    B>sheep hat

    75 for sheep hat.
  15. iGay

    HI! :o

    Welcome dude.
  16. iGay

    S> Blue&Gold emp

    yo my offer goes to 3000 coupons for ur emp :D pm me ingame on iPoison if interested (:
  17. iGay

    S> Blue&Gold emp

    2500 coupons :)
  18. iGay

    Forsaken wings

    Why so? :D
  19. iGay


    B>Green Emperium aura 2750 voupons :D
  20. Awesome sig Kat <3
  21. LOL Yeah kooch d/ling too much pron :<
  22. S>Sacred Gold Wings=975 coupons :) in game name iPoison B>Any Emp aura=2.5k coupons
  23. iGay

    iPoison Shop

    500 PLOX :(
  24. iGay

    JUst look please

    I will buy ur tao gunka card for 30 coupons. Ur in game name?
  25. iGay

    Forsaken wings

    Quad wings are good. Keep ur work in progress :)
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