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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable

    Hi Im Net

  2. Full Chemical Protection Scrolls is not null yet..
  3. Perishable

    About Ladder

    Well, Contain ladder on his champ and he got like crazy deaths and genesis just told to just give him it still
  4. Horsey
  5. Perishable

    About Ladder

    If that's the case, do so please.. Because then anyone can get Raw/Sgw and the economy could be worse. first place box without wings plox
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/dprydemusic?blend=1&ob=4 Lyrics: you would not believe your eyes if 10 million asian guys sneaked in your room as you fell asleep with wide eyes and gelled up hair and video games everywhere you think we're small when it comes down to down there I'd like to make myself believe that all their food has, MSG it's hard to say that every asian dude looks like jet lee and every grampa looks like mr. miyagi see i am an asian boy in china i make your toys i'll do your homework, i'm good at math be careful ill eat your dog my mom works a nail shop and my idol is william hung (Chorus)
  7. W-wh-wha-what!? Fuck this, i'll be a stripper.
  8. Perishable

    About Ladder

    Actually. The death doesn't matter anymore.\. If you're 1st. You get first place prize. If you're 2nd = 2nd Place. 3rd= 3rd Place prize. There is no pvp box with no wings in them for the first place winner.
  9. With god's blessing! Congratulations to the winners. I'll wait 6 more days for my Blessing ;)
  10. That's some bigg mother fucking ass for an asian lol
  11. YA MEN.
  12. For Carlos.
  13. LOL. ily, so funny ;)
  14. Happy birthday Jason

  15. Perishable


    Veteran..God damn. Member # 19! IGN please? My other Forums account is Member No. 4000 Something..
  16. LMFAO!
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