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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Whoaa that's one sexy body you got there as your Avatar;D

  2. You have a pretty glasses ;]

  3. Hello! Welcome to Forsaken RO. If you have any questions, you can Whisper me. My IGN is Perishable
  4. Yeah but I think you're horny :D

  5. Okay back on topic :D And yeah good luck everyone.
  6. Awts. You know, you always kill me first when I was in LMS. Just because I was ungeared. You mean butt. :)
  7. Don't say that desi! It's a new year you know they can forgive you for what you've done ;[
  8. Don't say that desi! It's a new year you know they can forgive you for what you've done ;[
  9. Why you so horny?

  10. Happy New Year Baby!<3 I lub you

  12. Sorry, it double posts itself.
  13. Good luck to everyone that is applying.
  14. Use protection :D
  15. I hope you enjoy this new year :D Say hello to 2010!
  16. Happy new year!
  17. Perishable

    New Years

    Can you believe it? Another year have flown by. So much has happened making this year more memorable. But the beauty of all this is that we're getting a fresh new start, another chance, a new beginning, and a new year. Happy New Year Forsaken-RO!
  18. Perishable


  19. Whoaaaa! I'd tap that

  20. Daniela, would you sell me Imperial Green Valkyrie Helm? :D!
  21. LMAO :D
  22. Good luck Death's Vengeance
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