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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Dudu last won the day on November 27 2012

Dudu had the most liked content!

About Dudu

  • Birthday 01/14/1994

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    Santo Domingo
  • Interests
    Wtf is this....Hi im Edu and im a Proffessor kthxbai oh and i like playin the drums n__n
    PSN: xDudu

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  • Real Name
    Eduardo Gutierrez
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Guardian (5/10)



  1. You scammed me! i knew it LOL

  2. We had something like this before, it was called Guild Hideouts, and trust me, it didnt work out pretty well, people were abusing it, it had a buffer with all the buffs, and some other stuff. Disagree on adding Guild Towns
  3. I wonder if someone used my Professor guide, i shall update it sooner or later, first i need to update myself LOL. And im still thinkin if i should drop some pocket change to donate for a cape, since there is no way of me gettin them in game.
  4. Hello Eduardo, saw you stalking my profile again.

    1. Dudu


      DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE, Whats up! I saw you writing on some suggestions and i couldnt believe it! How you been brahhh

    2. Sensation


      I'm doing quite well, thanks for asking. Still studying too, it never ends (last year for BSc, might continue for MSc). How about you? Didn't speak to you ever since you went to Finland.

  5. LOL, actually i do need to update myself, im still with 2FBH's on my Boots and kingrings on my staff LOL. And all this Ring maddness is just craaaaaaaaaay!
  6. Like, i joined the server from a 2 year break or so, and now one of the thing that bothers me is, how OP the Creators are! Like, a magic class has NO chance against a Creator anymore, they got dozens of more hp than them, they can use pnenuma, heavens drive, bolts, and add a crazy acid bomb to that... So id like someone to explain what is going on with them? Are they the new terror or somethin? RIP Proffessors man.
  7. i like a laughin piece of poop over my head. -1
  8. post ending on 69 winz,
  9. Well you see, i gotta get this 1000 fkin points Raw wing..They can add some of the old items back, but they need to be more smart when it comes to set the points, 1000 is just WAY to much. Agreed on the suggestion tho.
  10. Another Predicament, NO PLS.
  11. Dudu

    I'm Back!

    Dude, dont even come back, i dont want you here.....JK welcome back n00b
  12. Lol theyve been trying to bring SL's and TK's back to the game for like years now, those classes are broken so its hard to find a decent set of weapons for them. and i can totaly say that it is not a priority atm.
  13. Some of you might not know me but i left this server being the No.1 Best Proffessor in the server. So i came back to take that sh*t back. I'll see ya'll around.
  14. Bump because we need it.
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