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Everything posted by Marrina

  1. I luff Deffie's QQ Korner. XD I'm always curious what's gonna come up next. n.n

  2. Never! XD I don't like Mushrooms for eating anyway. Bleck!

    On Ratemyserver.com there's a character generator and under custom hats there's a bowl of Ramen. XD Looks like it's made for you.

  3. That bouncing mushroom is mesmerizing. @.@ And extremely cute! n.n

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Jack~!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Tomoya-kun~!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving~!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Iccie~! *petpet*

  8. Happy Thanksgiving~!

  9. Knux! XD Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Mezri~!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Gene!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Defy!

  13. Defy! That profile picture with the soccer punting is hysterical.

  14. Nuuu we're in the same time zone. o.o I've just been mega busy lately. I have this huuuuge project I keep putting off. x_X I have so much stuff to do... Hate College... >_< Wish there was a no-attendance policy, it would make my life so much easier.

  15. XD Hey! I don't watch Naruto! I think I've seen a total of like 5 episodes in full and have not a clue what goes on. So, knowing that, I think I did pretty good with the guessing. *preen!* Also, at least I got it within the same family. XD

  16. Sooo... then I would guess it's Orochimaru and Sasuke.

  17. Okay. I give up. I'm assuming the people in your iPoke banner are from Naruto. I just can't remember the names. o.o

  18. I need to stalk you out in-game sometime. XD

  19. *scratches behind his ears randomly* n.n Hi Iccie!

  20. o_o You make really good siggies. Blows my mind. lol Are you and Zack collaborating on the 7 deadly sins theme?

  21. Nice new card sig! Love the villains in Batman. X3 Brilliantly done! *clapclap*

  22. I usually play at night for a few hours. From about 8:00 - 12:00pm Eastern time.

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