Well that's good. I'm actually getting ready to go to my great Uncle's burial today sooo yeah. o.o; I have to go. But I'll talk to you laterz~! Bye Ikkie~! <3
Hey Ikkie~! Yeah sorry, I haven't been on so much anymore. I work full time and college classes and all this other stuff. Swamped. X_X Ugh! It kinda sucks. But I hope to be on fRO more often for a bit. How are you?
Where the heck are these quests!? *eyetwitch* I've been stalking around everywhere. Am I just blind or somethin'? T_T I want fluffy wings!... Because they sound cute...
I know what you mean. I have finals next week and I'm dead with working full time, studying during free time, homework, going to class. @.@ It's like a three ring circus act.
Other than that I'm alright. *hug!* Hope you get better rest.