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Everything posted by Marrina

  1. Well that's good. I'm actually getting ready to go to my great Uncle's burial today sooo yeah. o.o; I have to go. But I'll talk to you laterz~! Bye Ikkie~! <3

  2. Hey Ikkie~! Yeah sorry, I haven't been on so much anymore. I work full time and college classes and all this other stuff. Swamped. X_X Ugh! It kinda sucks. But I hope to be on fRO more often for a bit. How are you?

  3. Curious curious. Who art thou, lurking by my profile? *pokes with a stick*

  4. Am I tasty and wet? o.O; Yooou perv. >.>;

  5. *ears twitch* Neh? I've been told I'm tasty... so maybe? X3 Hehehe

  6. Where the heck are these quests!? *eyetwitch* I've been stalking around everywhere. Am I just blind or somethin'? T_T I want fluffy wings!... Because they sound cute...
  7. 1.) OMG! It's Batman and the Joker doing CaramellDansen. Insta-love!

    2.) Mr. Fox and the take-out menu, hysterical! XD I died laughing. Nice finds.

  8. The whatnow? o.O lol What's there?

  9. Uhm, sure? I dunno how to work Vent so much though.

  10. I'm from NY. XD Or, well, Long Island. To me more exact.

  11. Yes I do. n.n Well, I have a built in one on my Mac.

  12. Merry Merry Christmas~!

  13. o.o I ADORE Cowboy Bebop. Along with Outlaw Star. But, CB wings because Spikes voice is just... *melt* <33

  14. XD HAHA yes the comment below was me on Jack's name. Sorreh~! He's asked me to keep up with his comments and stuff while he's semi-away.

  15. *wave!* Hiya person I dunno~

  16. *wave* Hey there~!

  17. You're such a great artist! I love the hedgehog drawing. He looks tough and at the same time you wanna glomp him. X3

  18. I know what you mean. I have finals next week and I'm dead with working full time, studying during free time, homework, going to class. @.@ It's like a three ring circus act.

    Other than that I'm alright. *hug!* Hope you get better rest.

  19. *ear scritchscritch* I always have the urge to call you Ikki-poo. Hell knows why. I just do. n.n How art thou?

  20. O.O! Nuuu! I didn't know you quit! OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW! How sad. T-T I shall miss thee.

  21. Hey Kurogane. Haven't seen you in awhile on RO. *poke* Just dropping a comment to say hi. So yeah, Hi~! n.n

  22. Poor Pikachu. T.T

  23. *point!* I've seen you around! XD As me being *Serenity* and Fauna though.

  24. Well I'll try to find something. I just don't have many things that are funny on my computer. >3

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