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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Josef

  1. Josef

    empty bottles

    ant eggs in ant hell :p

  3. *comment* ehueheu

  4. give me itamz plx. Let us be traitors aehuaehuaehu

  5. quit? yaryt. w/e man. don't think you can give up all yar girlz aehuaheu

  6. Man, Where is you?! I'm in CA! Libre naman jan! xD

  7. Evil Horns from Soldiers in for_fild02 Skulls from Alarms Smoking pipe fomr Eddga or try your luck in old blue boxes
  8. traitor! LOL you not funny anymore mang. makes me wanna go play and be not funny aheuaheuaheu

  9. ysoselfish la~

  10. dami puke sa profile mo a penge naman

  11. Ellis!!! Wooooo! Wala lng lol. Apir!

  12. Head gear cards: Lord Knight, Vanberk Armor Cards Double Gloom Under Night or Double Ktullanux for Fire Type mvps such as GTB Eddga and Moonlight Weapon 4 Abysmal Knight or 3 Abysmal Knight and Sniper Card if you don't have a tanker. Shoes FBH would help for Demihuman bosses but I rather use Dragoon Wizard and another HP boost card. Cloak 2 Chung E in a +10 Sniper Cloak for Crit without wasting stats on Luck or w/e you prefer Accessory 2 Dex Belts or You could use Ifrit Card for starters. as for stats. Dex = around 290-ish, I add up total dex something that is divisible to 10 with Improve Concentration on. Agi = Just enough for 195atk spd The rest of the stats is up to you. I just add some to vit so my sniper won't die easily some to str and luk for 100 crit rate. Equipment Suggestion: Fking set preferably but Sniper Elite Set isn't bad.
  13. I used to use Agavs xD But you know if you wanna play Wiz that spams meteor storm, try checking out Salamander Card and Red Ferus. :P or for Profs if you can't afford an Int Belt just yet, try Siroma (for Cold Bolt) or Fire Imp (for Fire Bolt). :P
  14. u made me laugh ehuehue. "SUP SEF!" LOLOLOL.

  15. Man where are you?! Go online!

  16. GO ON IRC FRO channel xD

  17. LOL. Balita? Pagnagonline si Sushi. Magonline ako. Hahahaha

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