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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by toypupetz

  1. I know how you feel. My full reflect pally Crucial Sacrifice got raped by tick when we were testing damage. He did a 540k Cart Term to me and well yeah, Instant Death
  2. I love this idea. I prefer wizards but due to fcp/GTB wizards are extremely underpowered. HP needs a major revision. And atk damage could use a modifier since the best way to use a wiz anymore is to rely on strips and breaks via melee damage. Just my opinion. Whitesmith got its modification, I'd like to see a mod to High Wizards.
  3. That should be posted in bug tracker. I have already informed Zeitgeist about the improper drops.
  4. I truly love this GM team thanks for the hard work guys/gals
  5. Awesome Sensation. I can always rely on you for a straight forward answer. So....Will the actual npc's for the quest be used or will there be custom scripting needed for custom npc's to fulfill the quest?
  6. Haha. Almost 30 and still watching spongebob ;D. And dont blame it on the kids, i know you watch it when they are sleeping.
  7. I noticed that the Satan Morroc/Dimensional Gorge maps are working with their coresponding spawns. My question is, How do we summon Satan Morroc? I cant find the Continental Guard Officer (suppost to be in central morroc) to start the quest to summon him. when i @mi Satan Morroc it shows his drops and monster info but when i do whereis it says he doesnt spawn normally. Any info would be appreciated. **To rephrase my question. Can Satan Morroc be summoned at this time?
  8. Indeed.
  9. Just out of curiosity. Wouldnt that be your warning?? you plainly state that you've seen a GM state not to abuse the broadcaster. And Rules state first offense can result in jail and mute. I guess its at the GM's discretion if they do it first time or not.
  10. toypupetz


    Haha Sensation, that picture was hilarious. And my perspective on E-Love....Its retarded. Atleast half the players out there on female accounts are indeed male.
  11. Thats great. thanks for letting me know that. Btw why would you feel it neccessary to even add that bit of info?
  12. Kids make Life interesting. I take kids to school. go to work, come home and entertain kids for awhile. Get them to bed then move on to my endless hours of online game playing. Too bad all the ones ive tried lately really suck.(thus why im still here, gotta be the best by far) Then i get a few hours of sleep and start the process all over again. i use my days off to catch up on the much needed sleep i miss throughout the week XD
  13. Here's a few i've done recently per request ^^ he wouldnt use it cuz he didnt make it himself. But i made it anyway.
  14. All you guys are great. I've just severly lost interest in the game. I deleted all my characters and removed ro from my computer. but who knows, i may start over with a fresh start new characters etc....since i know my gears and etc.. are safe with baked. If i come back, it probably wont be any time real soon.
  15. toypupetz

    Done with RO

    as the title says. there is nothing more for me to do here. I've deleted all my accts/characters and have given my stuff to Baked/Icon. To those who know me, cya guys you were great. to the rest, welll.....have a good one.
  16. i've been working on photoshop for a few days now. was kinda proud of it after making so i had to post it here to see what ppl would say. and to stay on topic. everyones desktops rock. Create more and post em. help inspire my non creative brain XD
  17. 383...Will me make it?
  18. Sir Psycho Sexy/Red Hot Chili Peppers
  19. InnaGadaDavida: Iron Butterfly
  20. Apollo 440: Dont fear the Reaper Remix
  21. toypupetz


    Woot I come back to the server and so does Tick. :D Come join us for some PvP and GvG fun. Dont forget WoE too ;)
  22. Shit Happens!!! :wacko:
  23. Nothing says it better than a pixelated backhand
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