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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by toypupetz

  1. Where's Damascus? His ban time run out yet? lmao

  2. Wow, I got birthday greetings I wasn't around to see. Thanks guys. Getting pretty damn old. lol

  3. Wow, I got birthday greetings I wasn't around to see. Thanks guys. Getting pretty damn old. lol

  4. Sounds to me like you have altered your video settings making everything bigger and shoving your chat bar off of the screen. Have you tried going into your Setup folder and changing the game size to a higher resolution? That should make things smaller on your screen and put your chat bar back into view.
  5. Wow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L2Aim


      Old people always hang around, because that's what they do.

    3. toypupetz


      Haha....Sup Raph, How have things been?

    4. L2Aim


      Busy with school and enjoying life, you?

  6. Wow, this place is still alive?

  7. Well hello there Miss Mezri. A happy birthday from you is fine at any time, late or early. =] I'm good, how are you?

  8. toypupetz


    Well incase your not a spriter or know exactly what it is you are looking for, might try posting some ideas of what kind of hairstyles you would like to see. There are lots of ppl here that enjoy making and creating sprites. Give them some good ideas and some of them may run with it and provide screenshots of the work for evaluation/consideration. Anyway, good luck on your suggestion.
  9. <-----Clicky Lol. Sorry had to do it. If your ticket gets denied or marked unable to solve, then there is absolutely nothing that can be done. Databases are only kept for so long and things that are months old can't be proven without, and rarely can be proven with, screenshots. If you try to be civil and make a coherent polite request in a ticket to Genesis to inform you of the reason behind your ban I am almost positive he will oblige with a response. If you act bull headed about it and get your panties in wad, chances are you will just be ignored. Which from your response seems like the treatment you are currently getting. Take some advice, calm down and ask in a polite respectuful way.
  10. It's called to lead by example....meaning if it's been done, it can be done again. I feel the same way as you do about wizards, they are by far my favorite class and have been rendered almost useless due to one highly obtainable card. But there are ways around it only problem on this server is that all those means can be countered with a simple fcp. modifications have been suggested and have all seem to get put into the reject bin even though they were technically excepted by GM's and Mods. I myself have made a few that were given consideration and just tossed aside. It seems wizards will just remain an underappreciated class due to the challenges you face when trying to play as one. As if barely breaking 100k hp isnt bad enough.
  11. How can you give an exact amount? It's either base it off of lvl and increase base hp by xx percent or just give a flat out base hp boost from the start. If an amount is what you seek, then they should get atleast a 100k boost to max hp at lvl 255, that is if his calculation of 100k is the best that can be pulled off.(Never even made a Super Novice so I haven't tested the best hp that can be obtained, I'll have to take his word on that.) They should be able to pull off 200k hp or close if they use tao and other hp modifying gear/cards.
  12. Looks to me like he just wants a base hp mod. Which has been done to other classes without the loss of a card slot or the use of certain items/gears. They seriously don't need any other mods since they have full access to all first class skills. Just hp to help survive like my poor wizard class.
  13. Looks to me like he is wanting to see some kind of hp mod done so that they actually have a little bit of survivability.
  14. $5 for any unreleased headgear. It can't be obtained in game but I would assume it can still be obtained with the $5 donation.
  15. I would really like to see strip/coma cards work with ranged attacks again. I had to completely change all my wizards gears after the strip/coma no longer worked with stave crasher.
  16. I like the idea of being able to possibly take my gear back to +0. My gear was bought all at 100 coupons each, all from the NPC in the king room. These were also all purchased 2 years ago when the threat of Thanatos card was minimal. No more than 12 on the server and 4 of which belonged to one person. Now the server has "Insert SQL query" Thanatos cards. (I'm sure the number is quite large now.)
  17. toypupetz


    I love those videos. I've watched almost all the ones he's made. He obviously has wayyyyyy toooooo much time on his hands.
  18. I'd have to vote for #6. I love the use of colors in contrast with the background. Other than that, I like the pictures used to compile the image.
  19. Man, why so Laggy???? I'll get my gtb and ownzerszernerenernernenren you!!!
  20. B> High Wizard Elite set with weapon B>2x's Non-Donation intelligence belts. Leave prices here or PM Sir Psycho Sexy in game.
  21. Oh wow, good to see you came back Epic....Can't wait to face you in game again. ^^ Double Blades Of Fury now known as Sir Psycho Sexy Can we still find you under the tree?? LOL.
  22. Nope, it sure doesn't but it works well with stave crasher if they don't have skolls on and lots of vit.
  23. Hahaha. Thanks. I love WoE. Sure wish it was pvp ranking in all the castles, but oh well.
  24. Prior to WoE. Since I rarely if ever PvP. After WoE. Gotta love all those that don't wear a GTB. ^^
  25. Bump
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