I hate to say that I have to QUIT from FRO Earlier than I expected. It is not because IRL problems or matter or duty. It's because of Forsaken Ragnarok Online itself that makes stuffed up!
Here I found from ratemyserver.net
6k/6k/100% ( MvP Cards drop at 10%) Balanced gameplay! Over 40 + Custom NPCs, Daily MvP,PvP,Poring Events Stable Economy, Latest Kro updates! Professional dedicated server running on a 100 mbits which means 0 lags UP 24/7 ! Join us today!
Let's review all of this:
Balance Gameplay- It is fine as long as GTB is not an issue to some
Daily Events - The last time I saw event when I'm online is 2 weeks ago.
Stable Economy - The new items coming brings huge fluctuation to economy. Items which used to be high price (like Sun/Moon Aura) is now in slump. Consumable items are now very abundant that causes prices to slump. On the other hand donation/non-donation equipments (like Forsaken King Helm) is on the rise. Prices is set too high for selling and negotiation is never working. Buying price is set at F***ing noob price as well.
Latest Kro updates - OK
Uptime - Not as in advertisement. In 2 months, counted 3 server downtimes and countless LAG spike.
Remember though that in USA if you can't bring your words, you can get sued. BYE!!!!