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Kayla Minerre

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Kayla Minerre last won the day on February 2 2014

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About Kayla Minerre

  • Birthday 08/25/1991

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    ~Octavia~ ~Gilda~
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  1. Seems pretty straightforward. While I prefer to just fuck random people up, I don't see what the problem with this would be.
  2. I could use some decent white palettes. There just aren't any good ones.
  3. I always go full reflect for babies as long as they're alone. Anyway, the only reason people considered them OP was because there was a sudden influx of items for them to use, as I explained above. Most people didn't think 'Hey, I can use all of this stuff that professors can't' until somebody did. Before people realized they could use the all of that, nobody played SN other than to be adorable. Sure, you saw them sitting around, but none of them ever pvp'd, because everybody thought they were useless. As I've explained above as well, the rings aren't what makes them OP. A SN can't change rings on the fly like Ray seems to assume, because they have to take the time to link themselves since most people have dispell. They can, however, change headgear, weapons, and belts (although that can be a pain in the ass) at any point, which is something anybody can do. Honestly, I think this setup with them having to get linked to change rings for a specific damage type is a better idea than just giving them a ring of their own, something that they should have gotten with the rest of the classes. This format keeps them from amplifying their their magic/mammo damage on the fly. I'm going to stick by my belief that the rings aren't unbalancing anything. They gave the rings to other classes to make skills and builds more powerful, those builds that were already pretty powerful, so it only seems logical that all classes should benefit in one way or another. Why not keep them limited in on-the-fly usage instead of allowing them the ability to change whenever? Now, the HP is definitely an issue, and I like your suggestion as opposed to the 'just lower the HP bonus' idea. It'll give them an HP buffer that'll save them from asura, but not make them LK/Sinx's(flee) in terms of tanking. It'll also ensure that the magic band won't be a tank-capable item anymore, since SC and Freeze will guarantee the SN's death if inflicted by them, whereas they could survive an asura without gr in the first place. I've already stated my stance on the imp/siroma. It shouldn't have even been able to be compounded on top of the belts (urds or whatever they're called) in the first place, so removing them from SN would be a great idea. I still feel that something needs to be done about their flee, though. Most people consider it weird that I don't use phree, but when you know how to balance your stats to give you a decent range of damage, hp, and hit (min 510), you generally don't need phree. I rarely miss, so when you come across something that has a 95% chance of dodging an attack with 510 hit, then you know something is off. Summary: Leave the rings alone. They can only amplify one thing at a time with the way it is now. I agree with the single tao usage and the siroma/imp removal. I still suggest knocking the flee bonus from them. Please read what I said above with the rings. That will probably change your mind about having their own rings. As for the ring issue? I'm done with it. My previous post will be the last I say on it.
  4. Did you even read what I said? What was it that caused the dramatic damage increase? The ring adds about 1k, maybe 2k damage if they've super pumped up every possible item they can for it. That is a paltry sum compared to the kafra band. Complaining about adding the rings to the super babies would be like complaining about adding the rings to LKs. My LK can tank a party of 6+ and still take them all out, especially with the added bonus of the ring's damage and stats, but it's when something new comes around that people have troubles. And you're still saying prof's bolt. Yes, one of the bolts and that's ONLY if they're full int. If they go full int, then gtb ruins them. They can't kill you with anything else they have unless they have a gang or strip your shield, the shield being easily protected by a fcp. There wasn't a problem with baby classes until recently because nobody played them. Now that they're playable, everybody is up in arms because of something that's easily countered. You can get 95% magic reflect. 95%. Add your normal damage on top of that and no baby is going to survive. Let me start with the points at the bottom, first. 1. But were the bonuses even necessary for the original classes? There's all this talk of balancing everything out, but all it does is add huge bonuses to other classes while still leaving the classes that need even bigger bonuses in the dust. The ring bonuses are paltry on a SN, since the only things that help them are the one of two stats or matk/mammo damage. 3. I already touched on this. If you lower the hp bonus, SN's will never survive any asura. 'But blah blah counter by asura blah blah'. What class now is 100% vulnerable to asura with a gr/tao, rays, and usa/fking or friggs? None. Every class has enough hp to survive at least one asura on that build. Lower the hp bonus of SN and it drops their gr/tao hp to less than 150k, which is an instant death vs asura, since a typical full asura will do 150k+ on that setup. 4. I'm fine with limiting the points of SN's. It's what I said in my first post. Now, onwards. I told you my stats, and the other super novice's stats. Mine: 230 str, 260 int. Baby's 300 int, 130 str. I believe the prof's was 280 int, 100 str, or something around there. I may be off by a bit since it's been a few hours. Assuming they focused the rest of that into typical stats, it'd be max aspd, enough dex for instant cast, and then enough vit for about ~200k hp. I already went into the gear as well, or did you just not read? The cloak doesn't matter. I told you int belts. The helm only matters if it's a kafra band. I told you the shoes and what were in them, and I told the you the weapons. I didn't ask what was in the weapon she used, because she just transferred her prof highness. She didn't have kingrings on, because those don't work for professors. The armor doesn't matter, and the shield doesn't matter. We tested our damage against a champ. Friggs, tao/gr, cloak doesn't matter, shoes don't matter, helm doesn't matter (wasn't redux helm), belts don't matter, and weapon doesn't matter. He didn't have a ring, so the damage was 5% stronger than it would have been on anybody else (paltry difference). And I also told you the builds aka strategy. You just blatantly ignored everything I typed, didn't you? (Also, I like how you didn't post your stats while falsely accusing me of doing the same.) There aren't any drastic buffs on those rings that give them any sort of major advantage. All of their power comes from what they already had. Sure, with a ring you can gain 1-2k extra damage per bolt, but that isn't as much as you think. ALL of the new things are what makes the babies over-powered combined with ALL of the things they previously had. It's not one specific item. You aren't even singling out the most important things that are there, the things that were already nerfed for another class, because they were too powerful. They nerfed siroma/imp, fbh, kingrings, and the kafra band for professor, but they still added the rings for them with that matk bonus. Take away the same thing for super novices and you have a character with half the damage ability of a prof, but has the added bonus of hp. As for the damages that you're quoting, you're talking about things that the professor doesn't have. For a reason. Remove the ring from the picture and, instead of being able to do 4-8k damage, you're doing 3-7k per bolt and 19-34k per mammo, assuming I can even believe that high mammo damage outside of thana. THE RING IS NOT THE ISSUE. If it was, they never would have introduced it to the professor in the first place. Bringing it full circle, it's not the ring that should be removed, it's what they already removed from professors and/or those bonus stats. tl;dr: You keep looking at it narrow-mindedly, something I'm surprised at considering your typical input in most of these threads. It's not one individual item that's making them OP, it's the culmination of all of it.
  5. The problem that I see is that you're forcing a type by most of this. I'll have to take another look at the rings and weapons for further suggestions, but the point of a stalker is to be versatile. If you have the gear, you can be anything you want. Now, I'll admit that the damage a stalker does is paltry when compared to the original skill owners, but you have the mobility that the majority of classes don't. They aren't about damage and they never should be. They're the sabotage class. They go in, strip their defenses, and take advantage of it. Anyway, despite that, they are weak, so I'd be down for something of a buff (especially that arrow shower thing). Maybe something similar to what the bow has (the increase bow type damage by XX%), but repurposed for all damage. Nothing huge, but maybe 10-20%. This will expand upon what they can do damage-wise without forcing a type. As for the pneuma, all you need to do is use bowling bash or get charge strike or something similar. There are tons of pushback skills that you can take advantage of (especially bowling bash if they use RSX). You could even just use a spare accessory for a quick magnum break if need be.
  6. All you see is the rings in the issue. Again, if you take off the rings, but keep everything else, you are still going to hit for 10k+ damage. The only reason people started complaining about the rings is because there was a sudden influx of Super Babies once they found out they could use the rings and all of the armor in a combo. Now, a fully gear prof with highness, cursed ring, fbh (for stave, because otherwise it just does nothing), and int belts had 19555 matk. I, as a baby with creator blessed, rabbit, int belts, and fbh with the matk bonus and no kingrings or imp/siroma, have 11961 (if I had a prof cursed my matk would be 13994 which would amount to about a 3-4k bolt at the most) matk on a mix build (the only way you'll have 'okay' damage with mammomite since I have 260 int and 230 str). My mammo deals around 20k (which is only a few thousand damage over the average damage of stave crasher on gtb) on gtb that way (3xtg and incan) and my bolts hit for about 2-3k on standard armor (tao/friggs). The professor hits for 7-8k on the same standard armor, multiplied twice for double bolt. Keep that in mind as I go into the next part. That professor switched to her baby who had the kafra band with the same equips and was a full magic build. She had 20XXX (I don't remember the last three digits, but it's a minuscule difference) matk with 300 int and the same gear as a prof, which dealt around 11-12k damage on the same standard-geared character. She had 130 str, which would have amounted to about 10k damage with mammomite if she had used it on a gtb'd player. Okay, now let's look at this. We have me, doing about 3-4k bolt damage and 20k mammo damage on a mix build, a prof doing a total (including double bolts) of 14-16k damage with an int build and a typical 17-18k crasher damage, and a kafra band baby doing 11-12k bolt damage and 10k mammo damage with an int build. With all of that in mind, please tell me what the deciding issue is here. Is it the ring that makes the baby's damage 'okay' (it would be about 8k without the band) as compared to the 14-16k bolt damage? What is it that's causing the difference? It's the kafra band. Now, even then, you can easily stop a baby's matk damage by going gtb or (full)reflect, which would probably kill them since most people can't tank their own magic (kinda sad). Everybody is whining about how OP they are when they're pretty easy to kill despite all of the whining. They only time they become a hassle is when you aren't prepared for it (like any class would do), or if they're in a gang (like any class would do). tl;dr: Mix builds don't have the damage that you guys think they do. Specified builds don't have the flexibility that you guys think they do. Mix builds have gimp damage on both sides while specified builds are easily cut but gear choices. Now, I'll admit that a pure mammo build is harder to kill since their flee is through the roof making them nearly impossible to counter outside of a gang between champ and mage, but all this whining about magic builds comes from a misconception about gear bonuses. I say just remove the kafra band and imp/siroma from them and find a way to lower their overall flee. It'll put full int builds down at the level of single 7-8k bolts (no matter what gear they wear otherwise) and make mammo builds more killable since they won't be able to dodge everything.
  7. The thing is, they aren't really that strong until they stack everything on top of each other. Before we had the kafra band, the rings, and slotted accessories, they could barely tickle anything. They were one of those 'haha I'm cute' classes. Sure, they could tank an asura without a gr, but they couldn't kill anything. None that I ever saw could, anyway, and I've been here for quite some time. If you take away the ring, assuming they're using the ninja magic ring, you cut their 12k damage down to like, 10k, also assuming they're wearing imp/siroma and the kafra band with dual fbh and kingrings. No class but an LK, Pally, or another SN could adequately tank that. Removing the ring isn't solving the problem, because the ring provides one of two buffs that are actually useful to them (mammo or matk%+). Pop the creator cursed ring on a baby and they aren't doing 100k/hit damage with mammo (if they're fully buffed, they may hit about 40k, which is what an average LK can do without full buffs on BB). Remove the kafra band, imp/siroma, and kingring cards (maybe even the matk bonus from fbh) and leave the rings and you have a professor without the double bolt, but the addition of hp. Hell, with the creator blessed, bunny, and int belts, i do 3-4k on average with 260 int and 8-9k at MOST with mind breaker as long as they're wearing a shield. tl;dr: The rings aren't the issue. They provide a palty bonus compared to everything else that you can stack upon everything else to boost magic damage. If anything needs to be removed, it's the stackability of various items together or the removal of siroma/imp effects from them.
  8. While I do agree that they are pretty OP, there are quite a few different solutions to solve this that don't involve nerfing their ability to wear rings. Remove the ability for siroma/imp cards to work like professors (that's your main buff, right there). Removing the kafra band would work, but they become susceptible to freeze and stone curse with that on, and, regardless, most SN don't use the band. The hp bonus that the rings give is negligible (tao is the only thing that gives any decent hp to them). Now, if we apply an hp nerf to novies like so many of you are suggesting, then they wouldn't be able to survive any asura without some serious redux; they barely have any hp without two taos. Nerfing their eligible matk through removal of the siroma/imp, and lowering the bonus on the Rabbit as well would be the best step towards killing their huge damage. After that, we'd have to do something about their flee, because, honestly, that's their biggest boon. Novices go down easy once you're able to hit them, especially if you reflect their magic. Besides, if we remove their ability to wear anything but ND rings, then you'd have to create a ring centered around the SN, or it would be relatively unfair. Every other job has a ring, so why not a novice ring? Because they can wear almost anything they need. Remove one of their biggest assets, that being the ability to equip many different items, and nobody will play them, which goes against everything that the server stands for in regards to balance. tl;dr: Removing everything they can do is bad. Kill some of their matk bonuses and flee, but leave the HP intact. If none of those, then remove the extra 2k stats.
  9. I definitely agree, and it's why I said if it was possible. I honestly prefer the damage delay, because I've played a ton of different servers and have dealt with it myself many times from both aspects, but I do see where it would become a massive hassle for farmers if a delay was added upon dealing/taking damage. I'd be quite happy with the restriction of @go/warp from for fild, because this would prevent people from abusing it. Relogging wouldn't do anything, so you'd just be screwing yourself there, but it's not that difficult to walk up to fcity or let the person killing you kill you. Plus, if you went with number two, you'd save seeds instead of wasting them as many people are wont to do. It's not the warping out that's annoying, because some people don't want to pvp and so they warp out to avoid fighting. It's not a matter of how pro a person is, but the abuse of a feature that's meant to make travel easier. It's not being used for it's purpose, but for a way to gain an advantage over others instead. You're obviously using it for its intended purpose, and I applaud you for it, but so many other people are just using it to take advantage of the movement abilities it provides or abuse the invincibility right after a warp so they can use a skill and then be invincible right afterwards.
  10. Nobody goes to the pvp room. People like you are why I said this: Not everybody wants to go to pvp and further the stats of other people. Not everybody wants to pvp for a reward. Hell, most people just hang out at forfild, but even those that do pvp can't, because people abuse the warp feature. It's why I suggested the delay to begin with. I do understand the hassle that could come from farming, but's gotta be a sacrifice somewhere. A lot of people that farm don't generally pvp and the same goes vice-versa. I'm not sure how plausible a delay on damage to/from players vs. damage to/from monsters is, but if it is possible, then it'd be the best solution. If not, then I'd still go with Jorge's suggestion.
  11. This could work, too. It'd be weird as hell having to walk up to the portal, but it'll definitely work. I do suggest disabling @go, though, too.
  12. I know that this has been suggested before, several times I might add, but nothing has been done about it yet despite two or three of the past suggestions having been accepted. So, here we are again. As many of you are aware, there is a huge issue of people abusing the warp feature, whether that be continuously warping to avoid being killed; warping, using a skill, and warping again; or getting 2x pally buffs and doing the previous. It's especially bad amongst the Sniper/Wizard/Champion userbase (usually the ones that couldn't fight even if you just stood there for them). Now, I propose, as many others have done so before me, that some kind of delay be placed upon @warp and kind of on @go. I'm suggesting something along the lines of: 3-5 second delay on @warp after dealing/taking damage. This prevents users from attacking you, then warping away, and also ensures that somebody you're fighting can't just spam warp to avoid damage. For @go, I suggest something similar, but only if they deal damage. That would keep people from @warping to a pvp field, using an attack, and @going to a town to avoid being killed. If the second option isn't possible, then I suggest doing the same for @go as I suggested for @warp, since @go, while less of a problem with wizards, can still be overly abused by every other class. Now, I know some people are going to whine about the idea, and most of those people will be those that abuse the feature themselves, but think about it. This is a pvp server. Abusing the system to gain an advantage is technically punishable (i.e. sprite-stopping with songs), and it's just outright discourteous to others. If you're worried about missing an event, you usually have 5-10 minutes to get to that event, so all you'd have to do is stop attacking for 5 seconds and @go (if my original suggestion is doable), die, or just walk up into the glowing portal to fcity. Remember, this is a pvp server, and most maps where it's abused are pvp maps, so before you tell me to just stay out of pvp maps I want to remind you that I go there to pvp. Warp abuse isn't pvp.
  13. +15 can go to hell. lol +20 or nothin!
  14. Give it +20 stats and True Sight (maya P). Maybe a 5% hp/sp too, but I'd be fine with just the true sight.
  15. Where are str based classes being given Weight Limit?
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