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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Apo


    I avoid buffets, I don't trust them, I rather eat at my own restaurant if I gotta eat something concidered as junk food.
  2. Apo

    Super Baby

    I remember spamming more seeds due to my sp than hp on my melee SN
  3. Nah my epic pro eyes never fails me! I must be tired
  4. 1990 classics series/movies/animes/video games or maybe even 80's but that may be a bit too far back.
  5. Oh it isn't? My bad LOL, its just so small on my phone i was sure it was <.<
  6. Then if you guys break up his name will stay there forever *claps*
  7. Apo


    I want a honey dew bubble tea with a nice plate of general tao
  8. Apo


    Put the rice farm asside and move to town!
  9. I dont support cavemens
  10. Not like its out in any other country than the states atm, the that does has a like 3 weeks shipping due to the too high amount of sales, you may have OS 4.0 but thats it, and whats with people calling it 4G its 4, 4G was the name given while it was still a myth
  11. One of these post that ends up in flame and close?
  12. I don't mind helping someone with a build or showing an NPC location ect ect as long as you don't start begging for items or asking me to be friends or whatever.
  13. Apo

    Sprite Edit

    just as pro as someone sprite editing to achieve victory.
  14. In your case, Nokia n97
  15. The last boss was anoying as fuck
  16. Apo

    Sprite Edit

    im so pro, i finished my RPG using GameFAQs
  17. I got a problem yo.
  18. I'd personally opt for an HP with Intel if i were to buy an OEM, but i prefer building my own comp.
  19. Tbh as long as its the same voltage and size of your laptop input it'll work, i worked as an electronic representative so i know my stuff
  20. I searched 2200 and they gice me a 1300 wtf lol
  21. This?
  22. Apo

    Sprite Edit

    Lol most of my pays goes on my computer, I spent like 5000$ easy on it.
  23. Apo

    Sprite Edit

    On a normal low rate only SN and Stalker can reach insta w/o sacrificing all their main stats. And archer classes w/o saying.
  24. Apo


    Just install RO Renewal and you'll have it.
  25. Apo

    Sprite Edit

    On a low rate you could be careless of what you use since it's not as fast pace as a server that everyone has max aspd with 3 kiels opting for the fastest spam as possible.
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