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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Blind

  1. Blind


    Hell, no. ><;; SACREDORDER4LYFE. I heard you we're "leaving", so had to say good-bye. But, yes. I loved your guild and the times we had in it. LOL. Most fun. Crossing, me, and Mist. :D
  2. Blind


    RAVE PARTTAYYY. [Me, kuochh, and Ben]
  3. Blind


    Well, I had a fun time with you guys. But, I have to say farewell for me and Mist. For, the people that knew us it was fun. For, the people that didn't we had fun playing on the server with you guys. I heard some of you hated me but no worries. Its a game. <33. If, any of you want to talk my MSN is [email protected] So, here are some screenshots of the game with me XD
  4. Blind

    Discussion on PVP

    That's what I mean. Stop talking shit. Its just a game. D;
  5. Blind

    Discussion on PVP

    Well, I hate people who can talk and call you "noob" cause you "suck" at the game. All they can do is talk, but no walk. And, when you beat them they always run away and can never step up and accept they lost to a "noob"
  6. PM'ed. ;D And, are you in-game? o_o;;
  7. I'll sell for belt for 90 coupons, firm. Or, trade for Phreeoni card and Clown set. PM me here or IGN Hidden.
  8. Blind

    This or that

    Mario. Me or Sieg?
  9. Blind


    So, your the John, Moonie has been talking about ;D Welcome to FkenRO. I'm Hidden [iGN].
  10. ROFL. Read it wrong :x And, well, I hope it help's us. Well, it'll be much easier to collect material's for Elite equipment.
  11. What? I spam you?! D: HOW. Well, I'm trying to get my internet back, but its not working so far. Fucking routers and shit.
  12. Wtfudge. Kuoch, your a guy? o_o;; But, your avatar and the signature D: Your purely a woman. =.=
  13. Blind

    1x1 Event.

    Oh, hell nah. I hate Paladin's. I'll probably fight Geld. But, I'll give your Paladin a try, first :D
  14. Blind

    1x1 Event.

    PM me your SinX equipment and cards so, I can prepare D:< What's your SinX's name and what class is Thi@go?
  15. Blind

    1x1 Event.

    Ohmyfosizzle. =.=;; Just when I lost internet too. D; I'd love to participate. So, we can do this whenever time of the day, but only once?
  16. Blind


    Well, all I know you need the ESL card to become Elite. ^^;; [Credits to Vapo]
  17. Yes, but they're internet sucks. I'm only getting a 18. Mbps. -_-;; Kinda laggy on RO so, no point of playing :/
  18. Micheal Johnson. Even though he's not dead, great admiration to him.
  19. Uhhh....So, I won't be on for a while due to some fucking internet mess up's. I guess no one cares, but I'll post it out there. Uhh....So, yeah. I'm acutally stealing my neighbor's internet but its laggy like 2 old people have sex. But, I'll be on forums so PM me if you need anything.
  20. Loves me <3
  21. Does drugs. /shy
  22. ROFL. Look at her picture and then the her avatar and her signature. Maybe that will help ^^;
  23. Blind

    Discussion on PVP

    Kuoch, what do you mean "those" players? Which ones? o_O; Edit: also, your Skylite. o_o;;
  24. Blind

    Discussion on PVP

    I see, I see. Well, I shall try to that strategy and see what is the outcome. Off-topic: Get on FkenRO and host NDLMS D:<
  25. Blind

    Discussion on PVP

    I can see where Defiance is coming from. But, I don't think the word, "respect" comes into the PVP room. Its kill or survive. Also, I don't think people will admire you for your determination of coming back to room. People will think your a "noob" and they're getting free kills. :/ Also, I think the "KoS" and the "hate" things, should be left in the PvP room and should not be taken outside since things may get a little out of control.
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