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JoyBoy last won the day on August 10 2023

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. JoyBoy


    HOMUNCOLUS ERROR?? By: [GM] JoyBoy IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED ERROR DURING HOMUNCULUS AGGRESSIVENESS OR IF THERE'S A MONSTER AROUND. STEP 1: Go to ForsakenRO Folder. STEP 2: Delete All AI Folder STEP 3: Download this >> AI.rar STEP 4: After you download the file, Extract the file first. Then hold and drag this File to your ForsakenRo Folder >> ================================================================================= NOTE: If there's a Prompt Message appear to replace the file, you need to make sure you already do the Step 2 first. Once you already replace the AI File, You can try it ingame to check if the problem still remain or not. If the problem persist, try to do the 4 Steps above again.
  2. FORSAKEN MINING SPOT At Mining Spot you can obtain the following item Topaz Ruby Crystal Blue Zircon Turquoise Pearl 2carat Diamond Sapphire Enriched Elunium Enriched Oridecon Green Charm Stone Gold Ore Silver Ore Mithril Ore Lava Gold Sardonyx 3carat Diamond Cyfar Great Nature 1carat Diamond Rough Wind Amethyst Red Gemstone Opal Star Crumb Flame Heart Emveretarcon Phracon Yellow Gemstone Peridot Angelic Crystal Fragment Garnet Emerald Wind of Verdure Citrin Blue Gemstone Aquamarine Agate Mystic Frozen Stone of Sage Quartz Coal Green Live ======================================================================================================================= STEP 1 You have to farm OLD PICK [7318] at @warp ein_dun01 as much as possible. You can also farm on Mining spot but you are not allowed to use command @warp on that map. STEP 2 Warp here and go inside to the portal. STEP 3 Walk to the Mining spot, Look on the map I add red circle for the place. ======================================================================================================================= REVISED BY: [GM] JoyBoy
  3. DRAGON ARMOR Bijou's Challenge /Raid Guide By: [GM] JoyBoy This Guide is a part of Dragon Armor Making [Part 19] NOTE This guide is for the Class who can't kill or don't have AoE Skill neither ability to kill a bunch of enemy. STATUS STR: 100 - (You can carry up to 300+ Seeds) AGI: 195 Aspd VIT: 70 INT: 300 Max DEX: X + Y = 150 Instant Cast LUK: 1 CHARACTER GEARS: ACCESORRIES: 2x Forsaken Belt of Intelligence [0] [18604] EFFECT: INT + 40, MDEF + 7 WEAPON: Haedonggum [2] [1128] EFFECT: INT + 3 (Two Slot) ARMOR: Forsaken Knight Armor [2] [16533] EFFECT: VIT+7, MaxHP + 7% [Forsaken Knight's Cloak, Forsaken Knight's Helm,Forsaken Knight's Boots] Immunity to Freeze, All Stats +7 MaxHP+3% GARMENT: Forsaken Knight Cloak [2] [16535] EFFECT: Nullify the gemstone requirement of certain spells, MaxSP+12%, MaxHP+4% [+Forsaken Knight's Armor, Forsaken Knight's Helm,Forsaken Knight's Boots] Immunity to Freeze, All Stats +7 MaxHP+3% SHOES: Forsaken Knight Boots [2] [16536] EFFECT: Agi+7 Critical Rate + 12 [+Forsaken Knight's Cloak, Forsaken Knight's Helm,Forsaken Knight's Armor] Immunity to Freeze, All Stats +7 MaxHP+3% SHIELD: Platinum Shield [0] [2122] EFFECT: Reduce damage taken from Medium/Large-sized monster by 15% Reduce damage taken from Undead type monsters by 10% This effect stacks if the Undead monster also happens to be Medium or Large. Whenever you receive a Magical Damage there is a small chance to reflect all offensive magic against you at 40% chance for 2 seconds. MDEF + 5 UPPER HEADGEAR: Forsaken Knight Helm [2] [16537] EFFECT: STR+ 7, Luk+7, ASPD+7% [+Forsaken Knight's Cloak, Forsaken Knight's Armor,Forsaken Knight's Boots] Immunity to Freeze, All Stats +7 MaxHP+3% LOWER HEADGEAR: Non-Donation ring of the divine [1] [17139] NOTE: Actually you can use any kind of lower headgears, but i recommend Non-donation Blessed Ring especially for pally [+Reflect +Buffs] MID HEADGEAR: Legendary Zodiac Aurora [1] [17195] EFFECT: Allstats +20, Physical Damage +3%, MATK+3%, Vit -5%, MaxHP+3% CARD COMBOS HEADGEARS UPPER: Kiel-D01 Card + High Wizard Card LOWER: Kiel-D01 Card MIDDLE: Kiel-D01 Card ARMOR: Forsaken Raider Card + Rsx-0806 Card GARMENT: 2x Deviling Card CLOAK: Dark Lord Card + Eddga Card (Do not use this card if you're going to use Paladin,Paladin have Endure Skill already) ACCESSORIES: 2x Hylozoist Card WHY?? Kiel-D01 Card - You need 90% Skill Delay-after cast to Spam Passive Skill Meteor Storm Kathryne Keyron Card - Matk purposes + Casting Reduction. Forsaken Raider Card - To avoid receiving massive damage from enemy(Non-Player Damage). Rsx-0806 Card - To Avoid Knock Back. Deviling Card - Reduce damage received from Neutral. Dark Lord Card - For you to be able to use Meteor Storm Skill. Eddga Card - To prevent Stun Lock. Hylozoist Card - Turning enemy into a monster when doing Physical damage. (This card effect applied when you doing Melee-Reflect using Shield Reflect Skill) MONSTER INFORMATION Undead Knight [3556] [HP: 500,000] Size: Large | Race: Demi-Human | Element: Neutral 4 DEMONSTRATION NOTE: You can turn off your effect to avoid FPS Drop.
  4. ASSORTED MIDDLE HEADGEARS By: [GM] JoyBoy You can use @ii [Name of the Aurora] to check it in Play Room ================================================================================================ Phoenix Aurora Rune Aurora Blue Demon's Familiar Aurora ================================================================================================ Blazing Shard Aurora Breezing Shard Aurora Seismic Shard Aurora Tidal Shard Aurora ================================================================================================ Zombie Hands Skull Prince Aurora Skull Aurora Ice Prince Aurora ================================================================================================ Aurora of Love Pussycat Bell Mythical Flame Snowflakes Aurora ================================================================================================ Crazy in Love Aurora Blush of Love Chibi Bat Aurora Elemental Book Aurora Lovely Ribbon Aurora ================================================================================================
  5. LIGHTHALZEN AURORA LIST By: [GM] JoyBoy You can buy all this Middle Headgear here TOKENSHOP White Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17460] Blue Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17627] Black Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17628] Purple Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17629] Green Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17630] Teal Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17631] Orange Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17632] Gold Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17633] Mint Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17634] Red Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17635] Sky Blue Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17636] Majestic Purple Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17637] Umber Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17638] Violet Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17639] Gray Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17640] Pink Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17641] Jade Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17642] Maroon Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17643] Azure Lighthalzen Aurora [1] [17644] EFFECT Increase damage on demihumans by 10% Max HP + 12%, All stats + 25
  6. RUNE OF POWER LIST By: [GM] JoyBoy You can buy all this Middle Headgear here TOKENSHOP Pink Rune of Power [1] [15749] Green Rune of Power [1] [15748] Gold Rune of Power [1] [15747] Blue Rune of Power [1] [15746] White Rune of Power [1] [15753] Teal Rune of Power [1] [15752] Red Rune of Power [1] [15751] Purple Rune of Power [1] [15750] Black Rune of Power [1] [19328] Gray Rune of Power [1] [19329] EFFECT Increase damage on demihumans by 10% Max HP + 12%, All Stats + 25. [Champion class cannot equip this Middle Headgear]
  7. GUILD PACKAGE GUIDE By: [GM] JoyBoy GUILD PACKAGE QUALIFICATION When a guild of at least 4 new players come (or former players who are returning) to ForsakenRO, you're qualify for a Guild Package! REQUIREMENTS: • Guilds consist of at least 4 players who were in a guild together on another server, or a group of new players who form a guild shortly after joining. • Each player applying must be a unique individual. • The guild must be at maximum level [50]. • A guild and each individual may only apply for this package once. HOW IT WORKS? Once your guild is approved by a Senior GM or Administrator will give each member a Guild Rental Symbol (Double Click to Open) • 28 Days Valid [40,320 Minutes] • Timer Start Every time you login your account. NOTE: This Given time will begin when you open the Guild Rental Symbol. To file for approval, Make a ticket in our Ticket System with the following information: TITLE: REQUESTING GUILD PACKAGE DEPARTMENT: GUILD PACKAGE REQUEST USERNAME: (Guild Leader Username) PARAGRAPH: • Name of the Guild • Name of the guild leader • Names of all the members applying 1. Novice01 [EXAMPLE] 2. Novice02 [EXAMPLE] 3. 4. • Where did you hear about ForsakenRO 1. JoyBoy [EXAMPLE] - Invited by a friend 2. Novice02 [EXAMPLE] - Returning Player 3. 4. YOU MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS • Discord Account. - CREATE DISCORD ACCOUNT • Forum Account - CREATE FORUM ACCOUNT Each member will receive: Guild Rental Symbol Contains the following: Rental Forsaken King Armor Rental Forsaken King Shield Rental Forsaken King Cloak A Rental Forsaken King Cloak B Rental Forsaken King Boots 2 Rental Belts Rental Cat Ear Hat Rental Blessed Ring (Same stats as ND Blessed Ring) Rental Cursed Ring (Same stats as ND Cursed Ring) Rental Guardian Ring (Same stats as ND Guardian Ring) Rental Emperium Aurora (Same stats as Limited edition Emperium Aurora) Legendary weapons of the class you use to open the Guild Rental Symbol. Courtesy [GM]Titan
  8. FORSAKEN LAIR DUNGEON By: [GM] JoyBoy Introducing a brand new custom dungeon for Guilds. In order to get into the Forsaken Lair each guild willing to go inside will need to pay 1.000 forsaken tokens to get access to the dungeon FOR ONE WEEK. There's 8 different maps where you can hunt monsters, farm Forsaken Lair tokens and find some new MvPs inside. Gunnar Hamundarson @warp fcity 94 117 MVP/MONSTERS AND THEIR DESIGNATED NPC NPC 1 = Folkvangr Dungeon Furious Eleanor (for_map219) MVP CARD EFFECT Eleanor Card [18652] [Drop Rate 0.20%] [Floating Rate 0.40%] ATK + 5%, ATK + 1% for every 2 refines Max HP - 8% [Effect nullified if more than 1 Eleanor Card is Equipped!] [Effect Nullified on Champion!] [Armor] NPC 2 = Ginnungagap Dungeon Nosveres (for_map240) MVP CARD EFFECT Nosveres Card [19362] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] [If on a Raid Map] MATK + 10% Increase damage with all elements by 35% [Weapon] NPC 3 = Hwergelmir Dungeon Forsaken Minions (formap36) [Where you can Farm Forsaken Lair Tokens (19366)] FORSAKEN LAIR REWARD NPC NPC 4 = Oskopnir Dungeon The Last One (for_map252) MVP DROP EFFECT Dragonist Armor Box [19365] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] [Dragonist Armor Box Contain] Random Dragon Armor Dragon Armor Effects [Armor] NPC 5 = Asmodeus Dungeon Mallina (for_map224) MVP CARD EFFECT Mallina Card [19452] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] [Taekwon] Enable the use of Level 10 Storm Gust Increase damage with Flying Kick Property by 50% Increase damage with Roundhouse Kick Property by 50%, Increase damage with Tornado Kick status by 50% [Headgear] NPC 6 = Baalphegor Dungeon Moring (formap13) MVP CARD EFFECT Moring Card [19453] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] Matk + 10% Increase damage with Fire Bolt Property by 20% Increase damage with Cold Bolt Property by 20% Increase damage with Lightning Bolt Property by 20% [Professor] Matk - 10% [Shoes] NPC 7 = Zagum Dungeon Lune (for_map225) MVP CARD EFFECT Lune Card [19454] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] Increase damage with Wind Propert by 5% Increase damage with Fire Propert by 5% Increase damage with Water Propert by 5% [Gunslinger] Increase damage with Full Buster Property by 25% [Garment] NPC 8 Machalas Dungeon Kuluna (formap16) MVP CARD EFFECT Kuluna Card [19455] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.20%] [Whitesmith] Increase damage with Mammonite by 70% [Super Novice] Increase damage with Mammonite by 70% [Weapon] NOTE IF YOU NOTICE, I DIDN'T PUT THE EXACT SPAWN TIME OF LAIR'S MVP I INTEND TO PUT SOME THRILL AND INTENSE FOR THIS KIND OF HUNTING ALL MVP CARDS ARE RARE ITEMS THAT POSSIBLE DROP FOR MORE THAN A MONTH, SOMETIMES A YEAR BEFORE YOU CAN GET ONE OF MVP LAIR CARD. Every time you kill an Lair's MVP, it will announce all over the server's maps.
  9. GUARDIAN RING QUEST By: [GM] JOYBOY REQUIREMENTS COMPLETION OF Fate of the Gods II: Quest Beginning [Part 1] Fate of the Gods II: Blessed Ring Guide [Part 2] WARNING At the end of Part 2, you must talk to Thor to give all the items that you had been asked to collect but do NOT talk to Odin instead you will have to talk to Heimdall STEP 1 Talk to Heimdall arena_room 101 87 STEP 2 Talk to the Jotnar Snake and give her the following items: for_map108 127 107 REQUIREMENTS 600 Bradium [6224] 500 Amethyst [719] 400 Blue Jewel [7576] 400 Opal [727] 300 Yellow Jewel [7577] You should receive a False Gjalhorn [18317] STEP 3 Return to Heimdall and show him the False Gjalhorn. arena_room 101 87 He will then ask for the following items: 2000 Blood Thirst [6470] 1000 Jotnar skull [18320] 400 Mystic Horn [6023] 1 Gjallar [18318] [Drop Rate 50.00%] 50 Bloody Coin [18319] STEP 4: Return to the Jotnar snake. for_map108 127 107 Once you talk to Jotnar Snak NPC, you're about to enter the raid. This is the Beginning of the FACEWORM RAID NOTE You do not need this raid if ever you have all the REQUIREMENTS This Raid only intend to Farm the requirements at STEP 3. It might be necessary to do the raid at least twice to complete the 1000 Jotnar skull and 50 Bloody Coin You can get the Gjallar from the MVP (50% drop rate) STEP 5 Go back to Heimdall and give all the requirements at STEP 3. arena_room 101 87 After giving all the required items He will give you the QUESTED GUARDIAN of your choice. YOU HAVE TWO OPTIONS DONATION DONATION CAPES [EXCEPT RUCKSACKS & BALLOON] NON-DONATION QUEST RUCKSACKS & WHITE QUEST RAW GUARDIAN QUEST EFFECT REVISED BY: [GM] JOYBOY CREDIT TO THE OWNER
  10. FORSAKEN RAGNAROK ONLINE FIGHT NIGHT By: [GM] JoyBoy Fight Night Event is a battle between two [2] players to know who is the Strongest. FIGHT NIGHT INFORMATION Make your own rules Your RULES will be implement by the GM Host Provide your own bet [Both of you must give the BET to a GM who hosting the event] Ask a Game Master[GM] to host this event Round will not further than 3 [You can use Race to 3 or The First player get 2 wins will consider as a winner.] Once the bet hand over to a Game Master, You are no longer to cancel your fight, whosoever cancel the fight/retreat will consider a loser and the remaining one consider as a winner. The GM Host must Live Stream the Fight Night at ForsakenRO Discord Voice. NOTE You must prepared as soon as you Mention a GM to host this event to avoid long time of waiting. YOU CAN CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO MAPS: KvM Map: bat_c01 [REQUESTED MAP] [No Storage and No Knockback] Fight Night Map: quiz_01 [No Storage Only, All Skills Enable]
  11. HOW TO MAKE ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORDS [DUAL SWORD] By: [GM] JoyBoy NOTE TYR NPC require a completion of one of the following quest below BLESSED RING QUEST CURSED RING QUEST GUARDIAN RING QUEST NEW MAKER These 3 options require: Infernal Godslayer Sword for you to be able to make a quested Godslayer Sword. This variant won't able you to create Ultimate Godslayer Sword using other cape variant, except Infernal Godslayer Sword. AND YOU HAVE TO DO TWO DIFFERENT QUEST WHICH IS CURSED,BLESSED AND GUARDIAN RING QUEST TO CREATE A BLESSED,CURSED AND GUARDIAN ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORDS. OLDIES If you have a Questor complete the following quest above, you can claim the Ultimate Godslayer Sword directly to TYR NPC, if you have the following required Quested Ring Below. Blessed Godslayer Sword Cursed Godslayer Sword Guardian Godslayer Sword ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORD VARIATION This ID Number is belong to Champion but you can use to View to any Class at PLAY ROOM 18474 18514 18494 OPTIONS BLESSED ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORD [For you to be able to talk this NPC, you need a completion of BLESSED QUEST] Tyr NPC at @warp mosk_fild02 205 54 >> storyline19 28 122 REQUIREMENTS Divine + Guardian = Ultimate Blessed Godslayer Sword [1] Divine + Damned = Ultimate Blessed Godslayer Sword [1] CURSED ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORD [For you to be able to talk this NPC, you need a completion of CURSED QUEST] Tyr NPC at @warp ra_fild01 48 139 >> storyline07 192 244 >> for_map17 49 219 REQUIREMENTS Damned + Guardian = Ultimate Cursed Godslayer Sword [1] Damned + Divine = Ultimate Cursed Godslayer Sword [1] GUARDIAN ULTIMATE GODSLAYER SWORD [For you to be able to talk this NPC, you need a completion of GUARDIAN QUEST] Tyr NPC at @warp arena_room 102 87 REQUIREMENTS Guardian + Divine = Champion Ultimate Guardian Godslayer Sword [1] Guardian + Damned = Champion Ultimate Guardian Godslayer Sword [1] TRIVIA You can use @ii Class Sword Ex. @ii Champion Sword For you to be able to find the specific ID Number of your class to try it at Play Room.
  12. FORSAKEN RAGNAROK ONLINE WAR OF EMPERIUM CASTLE DROPS INFORMATION YEAR 2023 UPDATE [GM]JoyBoy FLOATING RATE ALSO AFFECT CASTLE DROP RATE?: YES! AMERICAN WOE [CASTLE 1.0] BAMBOO GROVE HILL Sky Blue Emperium Aurora[1] [17093] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Sky Blue Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [17092] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Sky Blue Eidelic Wings[1] [17094] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Gray Emperium Aurora[1] [16632] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Gray Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [16631] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Grey Eidelic Wings[1] [17098] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Violet Emperium Aurora[1] [17096] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Violet Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [17095] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Violet Eidelic Wings[1] [17097] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Purple Emperium Aurora[1] [15654] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Purple Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [15671] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Forsaken Soldier Card [15502] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Castle Red Box [15503] [Drop Rate 100%.00] EUROPEAN WOE [CASTLE 1.0] KRIEMHILD Rune Aurora[1] [19786] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.15%] Orange Emperium Aurora[1] [15653] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Orange Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [15669] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Red Emperium Aurora[1] [15655] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Red Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [15824] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Red Eidelic Wings[1] [17091] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Forsaken Soldier Card [15502] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Castle Red Box [15503] [Drop Rate 100%.00] ASIAN WOE [CASTLE 1.0] MERSETDEITZ Pink Imperial Valkyie Helm[2] [15670] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Pink Emperium Aurora[1] [15666] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Amber Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [17603] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Amber Emperium Aurora[1] [17602] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Forsaken Soldier Card [15502] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Castle Red Box [15503] [Drop Rate 100%.00] INTERNATIONAL WOE [CASTLE 1.0] EEYOLBRIGGAR Phoenix Aurora[1] [19788] [Drop Rate 0.10%] [Floating Rate 0.15%] White Ice Emperium Aurora[1] [19102] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Amber Ice Emperium Aurora[1] [19113] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Forsaken Soldier Card [15502] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Castle Red Box [15503] [Drop Rate 100%.00] INTERNATIONAL WOE [CASTLE 2.0] ANDGLANGR Red Emperium Aurora[1] [15655] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] Red Imperial Valkyrie Helm[2] [15824] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Red Eidelic Wings[1] [17091] [Drop Rate 0.80%] [Floating Rate 1.20%] WoE Token [16581] [Drop Rate 100%] Teal Ice Fragment [19690] [Drop Rate 5.00%] [Floating Rate 7.50%] Forsaken Soldier Card [15502] [Drop Rate 1.00%] [Floating Rate 1.50%] Castle Red Box [15503] [Drop Rate 100%.00] TREASURE CHEST CHANCES OF DROP [0.10%] 100 ÷ 0.10 = 1000 Treasure Chest [0.80%] 100 ÷ 0.80% = 125 Treasure Chest [1.00%] 100 ÷ 1.00% = 100 Treasure Chest [5.00%] 100 ÷ 5.00% = 20 Treasure Chest [100%] 100 ÷ 100% = 1 Treasure Chest This is the exact count of Treasure Chests where the item surely drop. But you can also get Castle Drop within the given Counts. The more Economy level the more Treasure Chest!
  13. SCHEDULES By: [GM] JoyBoy AUTOMATED HOURLY EVENTS SERVER TIME MONDAY Kreiger Von Midgard - 18:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground Battle Royale Event - 08:00:00 -Last Party Standing Event [WoE] European - 14:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Kriemhild] TUESDAY Flavius and Tierra George - 17:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground Guild vs. Guild Event - 20:00:00 -Last Guild Standing. [WoE] Asian - 07:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Mersetzdeitz] WEDNESDAY Flavius and Tierra George - 17:00:00 and 06:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground [WoE] American - 20:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Bamboo Grove Hill] THURSDAY Flavius and Tierra George - 17:00:00 and 06:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground Battle Royale Event - 20:00:00 -Last Party Standing Event FRIDAY Flavius and Tierra George - 17:00:00 and 06:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground [WoE] European - 14:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Kriemhild] [WoE] International 2.0 Castle - 20:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Andglangr] SATURDAY Kreiger Von Midgard - 18:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground [WoE] American - 20:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Bamboo Grove Hill] SUNDAY Kreiger Von Midgard - 01:00:00 -PVP 3v3 and 5v5 Battleground [WoE] International 1.0 Castle - 09:00:00 -1 hour Guild vs Guild [Eeyolbriggar]
  14. MVP AND MONSTERS TIME By: [GM] JoyBoy =============================================================================================== A Amdarais (for_map56 248 36) Spawn Time: 240~300 minutes Amon Ra (moc_pryd06) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes Angeling (pay_fild04) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Angeling (xmas_dun01) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Angeling (yuno_fild03) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Archangeling (yuno_fild05) Spawn Time: 60~63 minutes Atroce (ra_fild03) Spawn Time: 180~190 minutes Atroce (ra_fild04) Spawn Time: 300~310 minutes Atroce (ve_fild01) Spawn Time: 180~190 minutes Atroce (ve_fild02) Spawn Time: 360~370 minutes B Bacsojin (lou_dun03) Spawn Time: 117~127 minutes Baphomet (prt_maze03) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Beelzebub (abbey03) Spawn Time: 720~730 minutes Bio3 Special MVP (lhz_dun03) Spawn Time: 100~130 minutes NOTE This MVP Randomly Spawn a different kind of Bio3 MVP per 100-130 Minutes after killed. 2x Bio3 [High Priest] Margaleta Sorin MVP (lhz_dun03) Spawn Time: 100~130 minutes Bloody knight (gefenia01) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Bloody knight (gefenia02) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Bloody knight (gefenia03) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Bloody knight (gefenia04) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Bloody knight (gl_knt02) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Boitata (bra_dun02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes C Chepet (xmas_dun01) Spawn Time: 20~35 minutes D Dark Lord (gld_dun04) Spawn Time: 480~490 minutes Dark Lord (gl_chyard) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes Detale (abyss_03) Spawn Time: 180~190 minutes Deviling (pay_fild04) Spawn Time: 120~180 minutes Deviling (yuno_fild03) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Doppelganger (gef_dun02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Doppelganger (gld_dun02) Spawn Time: 480~490 minutes Dracula (gef_dun01) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes Dragoon Warlord (for_fild05) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Dragoon Warlord (for_fild01) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Dragoon Wizard (for_fild06) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Drake (treasure02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes E Eddga (gld_dun01) Spawn Time: 480~490 minutes Eddga (pay_fild10) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Egnigem Cenia (lhz_dun02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Evil Snake Lord (gon_dun03) Spawn Time: 94~104 minutes Eira (Pay_fild05 182 182) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes HOW TO GO TO EIRA MAP? Eleanor (ra_fild01 48 139) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes HOW TO GO TO ELEANOR MAP? F Fallen Bishop Hibram (abbey02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Forsaken Raider (for_fild03) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes G Garm (xmas_fild01) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Ghostring (gld_dun04) Spawn Time: 240~360 minutes Ghostring (pay_fild04) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Gloom Under Night (ra_san05) Spawn Time: 300~310 minutes Golden Thief Bug (prt_sewb4) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes 3x Gryphon (hu_fild02) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes H Hollowring (for_fild02) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes Hardrock Mammoth (man_fild03) Spawn Time: 240~241 minutes I Ifrit (thor_v03) Spawn Time: 660~670 minutes Incantation Samurai (ama_dun03) Spawn Time: 91~101 minutes Kiel D-01 (kh_dun02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes K 3x Ktullanux (ice_dun03) Spawn Time: 30~45 minutes King Poring (for_fild05) SPAWN TIME: 60-90 minutes L Lady Tanee (ayo_dun02) Spawn Time: 420~430 minutes Lord of death (niflheim) Spawn Time: 210~260 minutes Lost Dragon (abyss_02) Spawn Time: 20~30 minutes M Maya (anthell02) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Maya (gld_dun03) Spawn Time: 480~490 minutes 3x Maya Purple (gld_dun03) Spawn Time: 20~30 minutes 2x Mini Valkyrie (Guardian) (odin_tem03) Spawn Time: 90~120 minutes Mistress (mjolnir_04) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Moonlight Flower (pay_dun04) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes O Ogretooth (gefenia01) Spawn Time: 300~540 minutes Ogretooth (gefenia02) Spawn Time: 180~300 minutes Ogretooth (gefenia03) Spawn Time: 300~540 minutes Ogretooth (gefenia04) Spawn Time: 300~540 minutes Ogretooth (gl_cas01) Spawn Time: 120~180 minutes Ogretooth (gl_cas02) Spawn Time: 120~180 minutes Ogretooth (gef_dun01) Spawn Time: 30~50 minutes Ogretooth (alde_dun04) Spawn Time: 60~90 minutes Orc Hero (gef_fild03) Spawn Time: 60-70 minutes Orc Lord (gef_fild10) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes Osiris (moc_pryd04) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes P Pharaoh (in_sphinx5) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes Phreeoni (moc_fild17) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes R RSX_0806 (ein_dun02) Spawn Time: 125~135 minutes RATA (for_map16) Spawn Time: right after kill. HOW TO GO TO RATA MAP? S TEMPORARY IMAGE Skoll (for_fild05) Spawn Time: 60~80 minutes TEMPORARY IMAGE Skoll (for_fild04) Spawn Time: 60~80 minutes Stormy Knight (xmas_dun02) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes T Tao Gunka (beach_dun) Spawn Time: 300~310 minutes Memory of Thanatos (thana_boss) SPAWN TIME: 120 minutes HOW TO ACCESS THANATOS ROOM?? Tendrillion (spl_fild03) Spawn Time: 60~61 minutes Turtle General (tur_dun04) Spawn Time: 60~70 minutes V Valkyrie Randgris (odin_tem03) Spawn Time: 480~490 minutes Vesper (jupe_core) Spawn Time: 120~130 minutes W Wounded Morroc (moc_fild22) Spawn Time: 720~780 minutes ================================================================================================== NOTE Every time you kill an MVP Monster you have a chance to get MVP Lootbox [19395] MvP Lootbox Contain the following; 50 Forsaken Tokens Random Legendary Weapons
  15. EVENT RANDOMIZER By: [GM] JoyBoy Introducing the new Event Randomizer To ensure that The community is entertained we have implemented an Event randomizer! Every hour, with the exception of WoE, GvG and BR, an Event will randomly be picked. So far there are 7 events! More will be added shortly! This Event Implement Since May 13, 2013 ================================================================================================== HOURLY EVENTS happen every 60 Minutes Starting 00:00:00 Server Time till the next hours. ================================================================================================== 1. MVP SPAWN EVENT. -This MVP Spawn in a random field and you can obtain MvP Lootbox [10.00%] by killing it. -Note that this MVP SPAWN EVENT usually spawn at for_field and simultaneous enable even another one automated event is on. Coelacanth Bangungot Buwaya Gold Queen Scaraba Root of Corruption Incarnation of Morocc Kades Leak Giant Octopus Pyuriel REWARDS: MvP Lootbox [19197] HP Enchantment Book [19205] Strength Enchantment Book [19206] Agility Enchantment Book [19207] Vitality Enchantment Book [19208] Intelligence Enchantment [19210] Dexterity Enchantment Book [19209] Luck Enchantment Book [19211] PvP Ladder Token [16089] Token Voucher [18700] NOTE: You can convert your Token Voucher into 50 Forsaken Tokens at TOKEN TRADER NPC. ================================================================================================== 2. Guest the Monsters Event. (@go 38) -Guest the name of the monster show up by this NPC. (Dont need capitalized Letter just type the correct spelling of the given monster) You have 10 Minutes and 9 Rounds to win, 1 Minigame Token per round. REWARDS: Minigame Token [16508] NOTE: You can convert your Minigame Token at Token Trader NPC. ================================================================================================== 3. The Cluck Cluck! Boom Event. (@go 38) REWARDS: 3xMinigame Token [16508] ================================================================================================== 4.The Last Man Standing Event. (@go 38) - Only have to do is to defeat your opponent. You have 30 Minutes to to win this event. REWARDS: 3xMinigame Token [16508] ================================================================================================== 5.MvP Invasion Event. (@go 38) -If you see the MvP Invasion Announced! Type @go 38 right away or else no more MVP left for you. -Random MVP Spawn inside. @go 38 and Click MVP Invasion NPC to Join. REWARDS: (Depend on the MVP Boss Drops) ================================================================================================== 6. The Pori Poris Revenge Event. -Pori Pori Revenge is an Event that is similar to the Poring Catcher, you'll have to kill the right poring but it's not that easy, since the Porings have their minions and they are aggressive and will attack you when they see you. If you find the right Pori Pori you will be REWARDED: 3xMinigame Token [16508] PORI PORI DROPS: Poring Hat [100.00%] Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano [100.00%] Saphien's Armor of Ocean [100.00%] Claytos Cracking Earth Armor [100.00%] Aebeccee's Raging Typhoon Armor [100.00%] Bloodied Shackle Ball [100.00%] Holy Guard [100.00%] Large Jellopy [100.00%] MVP ITEM DROPS: Sword Of Grave Keeper [100.00%] Santa Poring Card [20.00%] Elven Ears [40.00%] ================================================================================================== 7. Poring Catcher Event. (@warp for_fild01) -occurs every two and a half hours. Over 600 porings will spawn in for_fild01, but only 1 is the correct one. If you are the person who kills the poring, you will receive 2 minigame token! REWARDS: 2xMinigame Token [16508] ================================================================================================== NOTE THERE IS AN HOUR THAT TOTALLY NO EVENT! EVENT RANDOMIZER CAN PICK A "NO EVENT" TO BE ABLE TO EMPTY AN SPECIFIC HOUR.
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