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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Shono

  1. Shono

    Hey Fro

  2. Shono

    Ifrit Rings...

    i wanna use infrit rings on gs. jajajaj
  3. ooooo they luk gud.
  4. Shono

    Who Am I?

  5. Raw = Royal Angel Wing Avian = new wing dat came with the update.
  6. Shono


    i hate dat 2. but they call in da day!! they call non stop da fok.
  7. ooo interesting idea.
  8. Shono

    Dear Diary.

    dear diary, wherez da mango. the end.
  9. Shono

    Dear Diary.

    dear diary, i want mango too the end.
  10. never heard of it. o.o
  11. Shono


    what the
  12. oooooooooooo dos are gud!1
  13. Shono

    This or that

    bbq sauce. Brazil or Italy?
  14. TRUE TPBM hates candy.
  15. goo return da laptop if dey have return policy.
  16. Shono

    The Loserz Shop

    yaaa thank da banana phone!!
  17. Shono

    This or that

    Manchester United California or New York City?
  18. JAJAJAJJA FALSE TPBM claims somdara is da best.
  19. Shono


    LOL. i want 2 be in dis men.!!
  20. ooooo dat luk like hax!!
  21. Shono

    Dear Diary.

    dear diary, not that hot 2 day. the end
  22. dat is guuuddd
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