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About CarlyRae

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  1. Yeah, you have a point but I think the GMs really did not intend the shield to be included in order for the set bonus to take effect which means a fix in its description is needed.
  2. How am I rejecting the inputs? Can you please point out exactly what I said that rejected the inputs from other players? I am merely suggesting but that doesn't necessarily mean I am rejecting inputs. Let me clarify: Us, having different opinions is not equal to rejecting inputs. We are here to discuss things to come up with the best solution. As you have said, the GMs can test whatever we say here so what's the big fuss about me giving my ideas and suggesting? I am here giving my ideas, and the GMs may test it and decide whether to implement them or not. Everyone has the liberty to suggest, and nobody can take that liberty away from them. Anyway, let me reiterate what I said:
  3. Again, as I have said, there is the SinxCard that basically gives you the same immunity that Pneuma gives you. Someone asking that Pneuma be maintained as a WS skill is tantamount to someone asking for a HUGE ADVANTAGE in PVP because there are readily available options to address that issue, hence Pneuma is no longer needed. Winning PVPs because you got a huge advantage is not sweet. You asking someone to stop making suggestions because you think they don't go to PVP is like saying Mark Zuckerberg shouldn't be a programmer because he never got a programming degree from any university. And if we follow your logic, then maybe we won't have airplanes today, because then the Wright Brothers wouldn't have pushed through with their desire to someday be able to fly because they were never pilots. Regards~
  4. The rule is simple: When you get something, you gotta lose something. What did you lose when you got that Pneuma skill? What did other classes gain to counter that skill? None. You can't be getting something without losing something in return. Were the other classes, or at least its overall impact in PVP, even taken into consideration when that skill was given to them? I'm not just talking about Snipers here. I'm talking about Champs, Clowns, Ranged Stalkers, Creators, Paladins, Assassin Crosses that will suffer because of this skill imbalance. Giving them Pneuma is tantamount to making them OP because there are other alternatives to that such as the Sinx Card. You want immunity? Sure, you can have that, but you gotta lose one Skoll card or 1 Noxious Card or 1 Raydric Card or 1 Deviling card in exchange of not getting hit from afar. You can't be giving them Pneuma and have them not lose anything in return. The idea of giving them Pneuma is like saying sure, you can have all the resistance gears/cards that you want and on top of that you can defend yourself using this powerful skill. That's OP. That's unfair. Again, The WS class doesn't need that skill. There are other alternatives to that such as the sinx Card that is more fair and balanced because when u receive its immunity, you are not able to attack as well else u get exposed. Unlike that Pneuma skill, you get immunity and at the same time be able to deal massive damage. That's unfair That will be all for now. Btw, just because you don't like my suggestion doesn't mean they're dumb. I'm letting your insult fly but I would like to put on record that you insulted me and called my suggestions "dumb". Regards~ I think maren was referring to Brianology and not me. Regards~
  5. Hi Genesis. May I know what's causing the massive server lag that the server is experiencing lately and what the admins are doing to prevent this from further happening? Thanks.

    1. Genesis


      No one has control when you lag. There are a million factors that determine that. Many of which are out of our control (look up what hops your ISP is directing you through). I will tell you this, I have RO running 24/7 on a laptop. I rarely disconnect. Maybe once a week. 

  6. Bump I just recently discovered that Whitesmiths are able to use the Pneuma Skill, hence I am posting again. I am suggesting that they be stripped of that ability because a powerful damaging class such as Whitesmith shouldn't have a good damage output and at the same time be able to defend itself using a skill that is not originally a part of its skill tree. That is unfair to so many classes that will continuously receive massive damage but do no damage in return because of Pneuma. Secondly, Creators were given Land Pro because they need that to have a chance at winning (but again LP is not good because they get way more than what they need.) However, for WS I don't think they need Pneuma. They can win without it - they have decent damage, they destroy armors and weapons, and they can carry way more berries than most classes, and they can use Sinx Card that basically gives them the same defense benefits. There's really no point in giving them that skill. It just makes them OP. I have a lot more to say but I'll keep them for when the need arises. I'm suggesting that they be prevented from using Pneuma, if not, give everyone 1000% resistance to whitesmiths so it's a fair game. Regards~ BTW, I edited the title of this thread to reflect this new suggestion.
  7. Aight, I'll leave it at that. I was also thinking that if everyone enjoys the defense abilities of Pneuma and Safetywall, then that would mean people wouldn't berry as much, which in effect would mean longer battles. However, I really want this suggestion because of the Priest-Wizard scenario I have laid out. We could increase the weight of the berries so people could carry less but then that would be too big of a change in a community that has been used to the berries being the way they are now and I wouldn't go into pushing that far. Regards and thanks for your reply.
  8. Hi jloh. It's not like only my party or your party or any other party for that matter, would benefit from this. Everyone, and not just one party alone, may enjoy the stacking of safety wall and Pneuma once it gets implemented. Also, what you said seems as though you are looking at it as 1 vs a couple, which indeed would be hard to win.
  9. I am proposing that we replace our marketplace with something that has a wide, continuous, unobstructed surface. The current map that we have now is not an ideal map as it has this maze-like feature that discourages people to roam around that's why people often hardly ever sell anything. Map suggestions: guild_vs2 / guild_vs3 / bat_c01 / bat_c02 / louyang 217 122 / other similar maps
  10. Oh yeah? I bet an experienced player would have known that the use of 2 Deviling cards against champ and creator is stupid and that Arrow repel and Arrow Shower don't work with Pneuma. Regards~
  11. You read his reply then tell me if a wizard is able to do something. I'll give you 3 letters as a clue: G. T. B. Go figure.
  12. Hearing what Yatogami said, I would like to answer this one. Ok so you are a priest and your friend is a wizard. You are fighting a champ, using usakoring, and casting Safety wall, then a wild creator suddenly appears. So what do you do? You use 2xDevC Garment which allows you to tank Asura and AD. You, being the winning champion that you are, with the help of 2x DevC, decide to leave the safety wall because you believe that you can tank the asura, while your friend, being the awesome AD- tanking Wizard that he is, decides to stay inside the safety wall because he can attack the champ and the creator from a far. You are both constantly being attacked and constantly receive low damage. The champ and the creator noticed the low damage and sensed that you are using Deviling card so they changed strategies. The creator decides to summon his Homunculus which happens to be a Vanilmirth who can fire magic skills. The Creator targets your friend! HOLY GUACAMOLE, 500 Million damage. "Why is he doing so much damage on me?", asked your friend who swtiched to a GTB shield to prevent the creator from doing that much damage again. "It's the DevC, dumbass! While it gives u resistance to neutral property, it makes you receive more damage from other properties, 50% in fact!!! You're wearing two so that makes it 100%", you replied to your bewildered friend.. Given that the creator hardly does any damage because the wizard is now wearing GTB and still is wearing DevC, the champ then decides to use Finger Offensive and targets your friend.. Holy guacamole again! 600 Million damage!!! "How is he able to do this? Pneuma me!!", said your bewildered friend! "His weapon has property, get out of the safety wall, for Pneuma and safety wall do not stack!!" Knowing that you are still wearing the 2 DevC and could very much tank the asura, you decided that you no longer need the protection of safety wall and has a higher chance of winning this fight by relying on Pneuma because that prevents the champ from doing so much damage with his long range attack. The wizard then gets out of the safetywall, and receives the protection of Pneuma instead. The champ sees this and decides to use Asura. He took the bait, cast a powerful asura, and failed miserably. "I must do something!", said the champ. "My Asura doesn't kill them, and my Finger Offensive wouldn't work either because of Pneuma", he added. Then a dark powerful idea came to his mind. "I will use the combo", the champ thought and immediately targets your friend! HO HO HO HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! 500 Million damage! Your friend then decides to switch to a different garment and equips the Usakoring card but the champ senses this, "FURY!!" "Oh my God, I know what he is about to do!", you said to your self, "ZEN!!!", You knew the champ was about to cast the powerful asura and so you hurriedly try to cast Safety wall to protect your friend! "Skill has failed!!!" "BAAAAAAAAAAAM!" and then there was silence. After the clearing of the smoke and the settling of dust, you see your friend lying on the ground, lifeless. You then realized that no matter how experienced you are, if the game is set to prevent you from winning, you will never win.
  13. Aight, thanks for clarifying that.
  14. Mea culpa.
  15. Tell me, are you the only one who decides about implementing the suggestions? Because if you are, and given this kind of reply, I wouldn't bother replying any further. The new arguments are too far-fetched and downright stupid, too, anyway. Sorry but I have to call a spade, a spade. One took everything literally. He literally assumed that in the scenario I gave, the priest and the Wizard are just only defending themselves and not attacking. Afther that, he said I mentioned about FCP here but I don't remember mentioning it ever on this thread. It's the same guy who said that Arrow Shower and Arrow Repel works against Pneuma! LOL! The other quoted only a part of my suggestion and tries very hard to twist it to give it a different meaning. Lol.
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