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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by #MEG

  1. So you pursue cheating? Yes its a little event but when you do alt voting again and again how come it cant be a big deal? And are you accusing me? When do I use alts? I cant control two chars at NVZ , in Emp race too, in jumbled pass ? ETC ! Prove it and report me if I do! I do have alts but I don't use them for cheating and I join events with a corresponding char. #MEG = dice , morrocan race , parasite and warp portal . Meagan Takahashi = emp race , jumbled pass and LMS. Meg Can Outrun Zombs! = nvz. Watch your mouth because I can report you with your accusations. And don't make or post a suggestion if you don't want opinions. And sorry but that's my point of view.
  2. #MEG


  3. Cheating is not tolerated in this server. Having a maximum of 5 contestant is not fair to everyone. First come first served? For somebody out there Its like entering thanatos room without having a chance. This is just my opinion. TY. :D
  4. Welcome to FRO. <3
  5. IT'S MEGGY'S TURN ! :D Here's my screenshot and story . <3 "A WINNER BY MOMMA AND POPPA'S WINNING DREAM" Mom and Dad always goes to casino and bring me with them because no one can take care of me at our house , But usually inside the casino they leave me beside a cola vending machine and give me a piece of doughnut for my snack while I am waiting for them to finish playing. They always say - " Just stay where you are MEG and wait for us ! " " Momma and poppa needs to win for your education ! " " You cant watch or play, you're not yet in the right age ! " and as a good kid I obey them . /sob /sob /sob /sob /sob
  6. aym en dunk nisyan. kenwi be frens? <3
  7. #MEG


    Hey I'm bored atm. Anyone can share a good movie to watch? I'm watching a movie right now and it sucks . LOL.
  8. And so ur `ED. I saw you yesterday at woe and you're good. Sounds like you're not a newbie to me (Its a compliment) . Hahaha.
  9. Shortcut is "i can leech you" . Hahaha.
  10. #MEG

    Ribbon colors

    There's black for scarfs.
  11. Can u make one for me please ? :D
  12. Nope it doesn't .
  13. By the way , you posted in a wrong section. This should be posted on helpdesk .
  14. In my opinion its impossible . You should have reported it within the day you are hacked. Two years ago is a long run to trace your items. In all , let's see what GM's can do with it. I wish you luck.
  15. Wow. Thanks @Harmony for the added ideas and its way better. :D I hope this event will be approved by sir @Genesis and will be implemented soon. :D
  16. HAHAHAHA. I tagged you already @Harmony . I don't wanna miss ur comment. :D
  17. #MEG

    Game Crash

    Hi there. If your character is stuck in a map where you get errors you can do this. Go to --> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ Log-in your account containing the characters that are stuck. Look for the Account section , then click My Account Under VIEWING ACCOUNT you can see the list of your Characters on ForsakenRO Now click the character of yours that is stuck and click RESET POSITION then LOG-IN again in-game.
  18. This is a balanced server , and if you say balanced , it doesn't usually go in a way of pick any class because you will get a fair fight with any class, or don't expect that the skills are automatically set. Every class has its own special skills or abilities to kill but you cannot just obtain the power you desire by just creating the character, of course you are required to gear up and tweak it , learn the offensive and defensive tricks. And every EQ and Cards has a price to pay in-game.
  19. A guide which makes you stay playing 24/7 , you'll love it ! <3 My forum name and IGN is the same. You can see me at helpdesk or stairs 24/7 cause I'm a zombie. :D
  20. Baby Wiz please. :D Novice Leveling Zone until Base Level 10 (Baby Novice) PAY_DUN00 until Base Level 50 (Baby Mage) Reset stat and another reset stat to get bonus 2K Make Dex 150 and INT ALL for_fild04 - 06 until Level 255/255 Your GOOD to go farm.
  21. Me I made malware protection off. :D I'm surprised how is it related on my downloading but it works.
  22. Nice PVP skillssss . May I watch some times on field? :D Just let me watch and don't kill. LOL. I don't really want PVP . xD
  23. I'm imagining the controls. :D Well this is cool , not just on android but ios as well. :D
  24. May I know your OS?
  25. Keep up the good work. :D
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