Hi Everyone !
Untouchables. Guild is currently recruiting.
Our guild has already 20 Filipino and Foreign members that are active , friendly and funny.
Farming , Questing , Raiding and attending GM Hosted Events are the things we do in-game.
We help each other always to cope up with the stuffs needed to play and basically this can be a big help for some newbies who might want to join us.
We support each other in selling the things we farmed and the rewards we earned by raiding.
We team up in killing mvp's and we keep on track on the respawn time.
We do raids together and we do a fair share with the rewards.
Trashtalking is not allowed towards guildmates , scammers are stricly kicked out in the guild and we hate gold diggers too.
Everyone of us has a inviter access so if you wish to join us please do pm any member you see in @FCITY.
Thank you and good luck playing Fro. <3