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About Merr

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  1. Is it possible to make still? or is it something just for christmas? I couldn't find it u.u
  2. I love them ♥ and i know just one! I started yesterday and i just played Hide and seek... But (even when i been a little up set because i'm bad with games) they were excellent ☻ thanks for your time and make this game better than already it is ♥ Love ~.
  3. Thank you very much ♥ :D
  4. Hi everybody!!! I'm Marlene but my friends usually call me "Mar", i'm from Argentina and i'm 24 years old... I played Ragnarok practically all my life, since I have 10 years old (or even less)... I been few year busy so i couldn't continue, but now i back to never leave ♥ In the game I have a Archer calling Meer... I just start here (few minutes ago). And I need add this server is one of the best i saw ever! ♥ Thanks to every persons how do this possible ♥ See ya! PD: My english is still bad, sorry for it.
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