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About Nellah

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. welcome ! im not a super old player but if you have any basic questions just ask and i might be able to help !
  2. I am in a guild that was made with the intent to take in newer people ( i am quite new myself ) Name of the guild is Dragon Riders My personal time zone definatly doesnt match yours xD but it doesnt mean other guildies wont be arround, pm me on Nellah, Lorai or Meikena if you want in ^^
  3. Having a delay for some skills used in pvp is probably beneficial for the pvp experience itself ( i didnt pvp since here, have not been here long lol, im jsut speaking using my exprience from some years ago ) So i guess a skill by skill analysis as to wether or not having a delay could be a good idea.
  4. Welcome ! If you have any questions try using the search box on the top right of the forums ( helped me tons, im also quite new ) or ask away !
  5. Well i have been here for a week i am farrr from geared but i would love to have a guild im lacking to social aspects of the game and a guild would prolly be my answer xD ign is Lorai (for now, my farmer ) im old ( irl ) please recruit me xD
  6. Nellah

    hero's remains

    to see if i could afford to buy i broadcasted....got asked 30 tokens and 2 tokens...neither wich i have. gotta love the difference between the 2 though... wth ? ( still dont have it, over my dead body would i pay this much )..... not like i even have tokens anyways haha
  7. Nellah

    hero's remains

    lawls im just doomed xD
  8. Nellah

    hero's remains

    lmao we keep missing each other, ill be online for awhile now. PM Lorai when you are there, i tried pming you jsut now
  9. Nellah

    hero's remains

    yey, just did xD from my wiz Lorai
  10. Nellah

    hero's remains

    Thanks guys. Much appreciated ! I did look in the market ytd and didnt find any. I dnt have zeny although i can farm the sage thingies so i can always get some. Ill try to reach you in game when i have time to hunt that thing... and when and if you are available xD And KD let me know if you get one... that would make my day ! Well week. Been on this quest for 3 days haha. Ill explore my options when im back home from work. Thanks again ^^
  11. thank youuu <3
  12. Nellah

    hero's remains

    Soooo well i am like 3-4 days old on here. I haven been following the "getting started" thing on main website. wich worked great until i got to doing legendary gear quests. I started with the weapon And well i am almost done ! all i am missing is the hero's remain. I did try, using many berries, to kill it, someone else came along and obviously i got nothing out of whatever amount of time i spent on it And i do know its a 50 % drop rate. Did not notice if i did get any drops from it since i had other kills in between in the log. Anyways. Kinda wondering what i can do to get that hero's remain or wich road to go onto at this point. Can i buy it for zeny from others? and how many or am I better...idk....doinf something else first ? lol i did read that all it took for a sniper was vote gears or legendary gears...wich really isnt something i can aspire to at the moment anyways, help please loll
  13. thanks for the answers, I knew how to get them just yah, needed some precisions ^^ ty again
  14. oh well...now that you mention it, i just posted about it in the help area, and i feel like its a dumb question lmao but anyways here is the link to the topic
  15. So i have been looking around the wiki and forums and there's one thing i cant find....wich is a specific thing about the different available gears that you can get with activity tokens or also the ones you can get by questing for them....and that specific thing is , what do they look like ? ( i guess theres 2 things lol ) and what are the stats on them ? Maybe i missed something somewhere and theinfo was right under my nose llol...either way, help the nerd noob pl0x xD edit: I have jsut noticed that when you choose a gear in the token trade it shows you the stats so nvm that part of the question
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