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Everything posted by Enzo
500/25.... You should give me 1200 coupons because, I want to become more powerful and I will make you proud. 20 Words :) <3
Will you take care of the KSing in the Thana_boss map? I'm just throwing ideas but would it be better if each Guild would have their own area/map where they can DB and summon rare mpv's? Like a guild base?
OK Fuzzy, Eli, Baby and I summoned Thanatos with our items. The people that started killing it and KILLED it do they get banned or warned? Its just not fair, we go through the trouble to SOMMON it, and people come gang and take the monster that is rare. These are all the people....
Did the updates get delayed, I came on every few hours to check if they came last night. Is it like one of thoes last minute touch ups?
Lol mine and remy's sinx's are very similar.. i loved the ygg spamming duels. I must admit ganging is a big issue however... not respecting 1v1 and making it 5v1 makes me sad.
There is more to my topic then that... dont u wanna answer the other questions? I meant to say fit he isn't some kid sitting in front of his computer forum spamming and acting all badass, not mentioning names. nor taking sides. just pointing out obvious things like i said earlier. Did u even post a picture dont make assumptions of other people if you dont have the balls to post one of your self and get criticized like what u are doing to Jer right now.
I wont get into this but Dama ur pissing ppl off now... I go to school with Denzel, he is a awesome guy we are in a few classes together how ever, im more into athletics during the summer and play games when its cold. I go to partys at least 2 times a month. last time i went to party there was 11 girls and 1 guy [me]. Anyway Milhouse is a hilarious name and he is fun to talk to in real life. That Ecstasy pill is sweet i would never take it but , some kid thought it was candy and wanted to eat it. I LOLED. I have hooked up with 1 girl here in Canada and two in Europe so i guess that means i lost my v-card. I have dated all 3 girls so dont get the impression im some asshole who does it for fun. Jer atleast posts his pictures and he does look like a built guy, how can we see your picture? did you even post one? Im not taking sides here but you cant go around bullshitting other ppl and making your self so E-Cool and pretending to be some jock/party hard type of guy who gets with girls pants. unless u wanna prove it. Like i said im not taking sides just pointing out obvious things. and i think a gm should take care of this.
EUROPE BITCHES. i love my European girlfriends
Enzo has a face to :D Me at the beach at Budva Montenegro [ sickest place in the world] At the beach again Me and a Friend [ Very Drunk, White box is a inappropriate finger ] And no I'm not emo, who ever thought that *cough* Tran *cough*
1.Soccer 2.Masturbate 3.Party hard 4.Go to Europe and fuck around 5.Chill with ppl 6.Go to a Gym do stuff 7.Spend money on things i will never use again! .... 20. Play RO during the winter when i cant go out side fucking Canada Eh? .... 666. Take pictures of my self look like a fag and put it on faceboom/myspace. [i have some usually taken when im drunk or having fun.]
Dama quit starting e-drama. Enzo I edited some stuff. I'll ad more later on.. Edit: This was Fuzzy
Scientology Tom Cruise Fans wanted! GENERAL: Guild formed by Fuzzy Lumpkins / Denzel Crocker and Enzo & Chronos. Scientology is a controversial religion started by L. Ron Hubbard and we decided to have fun and make it a RO guild. We both 17 years old and have been playing since 2002-2003 started playing Redemption RO [one of the first servers]. We both have experience being Leaders/GM's. Fuzzy was one of the head GM's on CelestialRO a couple years ago and I lead a lot of guilds in CeresRO and other servers very successfully. Some of the players might remember Dead 6 and Burning Souls they were damn good :) LEADERS: Fuzzy Lumpkins / Denzel Crocker Chronos / Enzo CO-LEADERS: Levis LordOfAvernus ALLIES: Sadistic Nightfall ANTAGONISTS: Forsaken RO GM Team Influence WoE: -Be active as much as possible -Listen to Leaders -Do not attack Allies in Pre-Castle Entrance -Follow our strategies, If under some tragic event no one is there to lead WoE, simply WoE with one of our allies. GUILD RULES: -Listen to Leaders, we are always nice to members we wont kick you unless you f*ck up. -Do not start drama with members we will kick the person who starts, or kick both depending on situation. -Do not kill Members ask for duels. -Do not attack Allies ask for duels. -Must know English, not perfect but enough to understand us. -No racism, its simple as that, we do not tollerate it, you will get kicked and KoS if you break this rule. WANT TO JOIN? Requirements Scientology must be your main WoE guild Be WoE Active at least once a week Lv 255 [unless its a new character] Well equipped, I don't mean you must get all +10 Forsaken Donation Gear, if you have it that will be nice. Just basic gear to get you through Pk/WoE so you don't die every 3 seconds. -If you are new to the server and still need help, that is fine, however if you are new to RO we really dont have time to help you out. Talk to: Fuzzy Lumpkins/Denzel Crocker Chronos/Enzo Levis LordOfAvernus If you cant find us, go to PVP room and ask anyone in Scientology to invite you.
Heh for a second i thought you made your chick friend up lol
hmm i would go with Laxation or Legend some of them are faggots...
1.Patchworks 2.Terminus 3.Epic/Venus [same build][share plz] 4.Remy LeBeau 5.Irrelevant 5.5.Fuzzy Lumpkins 6.Boobs 7.Thi@go 8.Enzo/Chronos 9.Vizard 10.Scream I may have messed up a bit, however this is my list. I did not put Stalkers/Wizards/Ninjas/Proffs on my list because no matter how skilled you are GTB or GTB/FCP dummies you!
If you make PD il make a char called Omg Onoes and guild Paramount :) White Rose sounds cool!
LOL you said u had me on alt+1 @kill Enzo, but if i "magically" die il kick ur ass :P
Milhouse all the way! THRILHO <3
hahah gods got a bf :) he is already taken by another dood from our class. show the pic of your pot plant from facebook lol.
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