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Everything posted by ararciga27

  1. sir danger im not the using my account here he is a hacker, also my facebook account  i cant log in no more, im not that kind of person saying non sense things...God knows im not the one who said those things bout the server, but im telling you the truth that i sell my items to php but im not the who reported that ticket... please help me to trace who's the one who signed in my account here in the forum...i really wanna say sorry bout those words even im not the who said that... i just wanted to quit thats why i sold my items not anything else.....

    1. ararciga27


      sir please help me also my fb account got hacked he changed my profile picture and password, i know you can my log ins here when they posted this issue....plss help me...

  2. my problem too since i started to play this server at this moment i cant online i did what you said didnt work...GG
  3. please help me too When I start the game it closes immediately with no error message i tried the trouble shoot it didnt work same with other pc im in my internet cafe..thank you
  4. mine is 5 hours DL nice internet pilipinas...
  5. hoping it will +9999
  6. +1----- Say no to cheaters!!!!
  7. Gm do we have quest for poo poo hat the slotted one?


  8. guys can you make build and stats ,cards for ninja build FS please...thanks
  9. @ali treasure_box
  10. 2 Weapon is good i think right??what cards for 2 weapon if FB type or maybe Despe please Help Thanks for the answer.
  11. sir just wanna ask if in the thana room ,it has cheat??? coz im wondering some players waiting there for almost a day and they can automatically enter in the room....coz i want to come in and when the time is 30 secs. and it opened i cant come in,,, i notice that always daddy and mommy are always in.. and fucboi
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