Well, the other day Limitless was fighting against Good Soup. They all hated Drax so they're like: Hey, let's kill all of Good Soup.
So it was: Armani(For a little bit), Yukumaru, Knight of Heaven, Blackeye~, Vortex, Dig Diggler, and a few other people.
And: Drax, Clarence, Walshie, Me, Shadowz and acouple other people.
This battle lasted a good 30 mins-1 hour.
Not much I could do, since I suck (And when I hit Tran he was like: OMG JENNY IMMA KILL YOU IF YOU KILL ME) so I picked up skulls. Tons. And Tons of skulls.
Then, after many deaths Drax decided he would go play Counter Strike. :D
In the end, I had about 14 Knight of Heaven Skulls, 39 Clarence Skulls, 18 Drax skulls, 10 D R A X skulls, 21 K i lo z(Drax) skulls, 10 ShadowzTank skulls, 21 Vortex skulls, 5 Dig Diggler skullls, 21 Yukumaru skulls, Five Blackeye~ skulls, and a few other assorted skulls.
I loved on Ventrilo how we're like: HURRY I BROKE HIS ARMOR. ASURA HIM! "WHO!? I CAN'T FIND HIM!!"
Good times. (: