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Everything posted by 19ruven91

  1. 19ruven91


    what was the reason that my ip add got banned?? i didnt do anything wrong lol i dont know why is it happen D:
  2. 19ruven91


    it always says rejected from the server and also i cannot visit the site but it only happens when i am using my computer at home i think my ip address is blocked i can give my ip address maybe tomorrow coz i go to school
  3. 19ruven91


    gm i think my ip address got block coz i cant even log in the game and also in forsake-ro.net,, please reply asap
  4. w0w! i agree with that too coz i had already experience that kind of battle at my original server PRO thats nice gm /no1 pataykaron - champion [255/210] [E]vil_pries[T] - highpriest [255/255] [sinx]bibz[sinx] - sinX [255-230] TiRadOr - sniper [255/255] elite
  5. wooot.. new f.helm colors and pretty nice wing :D but only woers can obtain this itemz?? )= pataykaron - champion [255/210] [E]vil_pries[T] - highpries [255/255] [sinx]bibz[sinx] - sinX [255/230]
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