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Everything posted by zanRenzoXD

  1. seriously? :th_e27:
  2. So true. That was I though as well.
  3. I always love the gradient color of blue to pink(or purple). The lighting is a beauty to me. The color is just my favorite and the place looks cool for me. :th_ho: IGN: Atelier Ayesha
  4. wrong section sir. You shoud have posted in Strategy Guide > Archer Section. anyways. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/forum/188-archer/
  5. Waiting for FFF BD Copy.
  6. 1st word: Cherry 2nd word: Usakoring 3rd word: Square IGN: Sniper Ayesha
  7. Thanks for the guide. I'll be using this. It'll be helpful. :th_thx:
  8. Back in my day I have no idea how to farm and what cards are for. So I sell them in NPCs. /sob
  9. Anything that is All time low.
  10. So close yet so far Distance by water, but love has no measure. Long Distance Relationship
  11. Hi! my IGN is Atelier Ayesha

    1. niemono89


      Ayesha de-gozaru XD

  12. Selling Event Tokens [1:3] I have 52pcs. I need to buy kiels, badly needed.
  13. Hi sir! Regarding from the screenshot event. I will be claiming my prize. IGN is GakiruAkame. Thanks. :D

  14. -After a long year of experiences- Shivering cold agony, the chills of the breeze has crippled me. Forsaken! the light has abandoned me? Despair! Reckless I am. I am desperate to be free! Hope is still within me. Bloom flowers I will go, ALAS! waiting for the Spring. sigh. At last! I have transformed and recreated. I am free! Yes, I am. I am free! Recreation (=w=)/
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