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Devilchild last won the day on April 29 2016

Devilchild had the most liked content!

About Devilchild

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Bridge in cmd_fild04 is my Favorite Bridge in FRO. It has similarities with the place that we had our vacation before. :D Good Memories. Gooooooood Memories :D
  2. I LOVE ANY RACE AS LONG AS ITS RED :th_e14: :th_kis: :th_e3: :th_wow: IGN: Evil Guanyin
  3. may i know if Fluffy Hat still available?
  4. Im Late for Exams! IGN:Guanyin Bodhisattva
  5. Selling the following items: Full Friggs Requirements[No EoF , No Shield] Full Cursed Ring Quest + 9Realms Concentration Speed Tickets Yggdrasil Seed Tickets Box of Storm Tix Aloevera Selling: Donated Items[Not Been Quested] Slayer Assassin Cross Scarf[2.1K] Slayer Sniper Scarf[2.1K] Gold LHZ Aura[?] InGameName: Merchandise Inventory
  6. "I dont care if I lose as long as Beer and Tequila is the reward for the losers" "CHEERS" IGN: Merchandise Inventory
  7. Devilchild


    Bought Already.
  8. 1st word: Strawberry 2nd word: Deviruchi 3rd word: Heart
  9. The coolest place ive been to lately is this Floating Park. My Family and I usually goes to Parks to Bond together. Glad to see these kind of place in game. :th_thx: :th_ok:
  10. Relationships aren't perfect. Perfection is when you and I can go through anything and still stand strong together. http://imgur.com/9wdDPqh
  11. Hello Everyone ! :th_ok:
  12. Its my first in making a video lol. sorry if i suck at this but i hope someone will enjoy this . :) Happy New Year Everyone! Thanks for the LOVE <3 Special Thank to Kulits for the Leech :D https://youtu.be/ymmStzgZBMg
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