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Everything posted by yangskee

  1. appreciate your response. well thats so unlucky for to end this year and got tired playing because of this. is this l. hels unholy dagger really useful? or how much can i sell this? bec i prefer crit sword thats why
  2. sir can you help me? i accidentally chose wrong weapon when i did l. weapon quest. i chose l. hels unholly dagger and trying to get crit sword. please help T.T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yangskee


      omg really? i really appreciate it. what time you usually log in so i can wait for you. Happy new year! im really excited about it

    3. Ares
    4. SweetTooth
  3. GM i really need your help. i accidentally chose l. hels unholy dagger because of lag and im trying to choose crit sword. please help im new here. T.T
  4. how to fix binkw32.ddl missing


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yangskee
    3. yangskee


      sir i really need your help!

    4. yangskee


      i accidentally chose l. hels unholy dagger because its lag. im trying to get the crit sword please help me

  5. hi can someone help the benifits of GEC card? thanks in advance!
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