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Everything posted by death16

  1. Hi. Im new here. And tbh, i enjoy the expansion hats. But im a classic RO fanatic, would it be too much to have the LKH as an expa hat? Just a suggestion. What do you guys think?
  2. -1. Where's the fun in that? This is actually 1 reason why i like this server. I've been here for a month and a half and i like it. Not everything is spoonfed unlike other high rate servers. It is nice like this. Its challenging. Its not given away for free.
  3. To be honest, not having a emp tester is one reason why i like this server. People get to test out their own builds. And the only way to test them is through the real woe. Eliminates all the talk about emp breaking being pure "LUCK" lol. This, among few other feats. Makes this server different from all other servers that i have been on since everything is not spoon fed. I like it this way. You really need to think of your OWN combo during woe.
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