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Everything posted by wikedbazist

  1. @david, you had a nice idea but for the benefit of the server its not a good idea, maybe you wil understand when you own your own server sir
  2. back in my day poring card is the coolest ever!, (not baphomet) i'd stop by to the nearest computer shop to buy load (50p Prepaid card -8 Hours of Awesomeness) then play pRO lol i'd level up to GH castle then ask for buffs to Priests like Gloria LOL
  3. good idea though, you can ladder as long as you don't have any party, mvp hunters gotta ladder individually, this would be a good idea, especially geared champs & snipers. like prizes go around from event tokens or consumables.
  4. in jesus name...AMEN
  5. i tried that before in playroom, not my style xD
  6. sorry dude i need black i have to pair em with my black lhz & jacket xD
  7. no overpriced non LTD only pm me ingame "Fade To Black" respect! no other color Black Noble Hat only
  8. B>+0/+10BlackNobleHat[NonLTD]

  9. that's a good suggestion but you know the answer to that more work and money involve nowadays you gotta be more realistic in life, so we gotta live by it. the server has been running for more than 7 years so far... you gotta see theyre side also dude it's not that easy to manage a server running for years, theres a lot of major problems in fro see this, but for me one of the major problems here is the PHP sellers, they destroy the economy, instead of the player donating he buys stuff from players using real money, the server dont get any benefit from it, for me regardless of my stay in this server, so far that's one of the major issues in here, they should be OBLITERATE & VAPORIZED.
  10. im not bashing dude lol your asking for the moon and the stars live in america and see it with your own eyes mate lag will always be lag, it's either THEY upgrade hardware/network stuff etc etc etc, there are many factors dude you know that your an IT LOL
  11. dude lets make it more simplier FACTORS 1.Location= BIGGEST FACTOR (wanted a lower ping? go live in america then play FRO problem SOLVED my friend LOL) 2.Travel of Data (from united states to asian countries thats vice versa btw) 3.ISP dude have you tried living in united states? try playing in there lol man, that the simpliest form of my explanation and you still dont get it. -.-
  12. speedtest and cmd give you results its just a plain explanation on how much speed your getting, told you before the thing is that the SPEED OF TRAVEL OF DATA from america to phil (vice versa) has a factor also, usually the isp is the problem here? how do i know? i used to work in dell computers i work as an IT there for years, that's one of the secrets ISP companies hides from there consumers they control and manipulate theyre internet service, doesnt matter if you have 50mbps or 1Gbps internet speed, the question how fast the data travels from phil to US (vice versa) thats the simplest explanation to put on that regardless of your location (asia/europe)
  13. sometimes its not the server who has the problem, usually its the isp who's the culprit behind it, blame zobel de ayala and manny pangilinan about this matter, they manipulate the telco industry in our country, theyre the ones who should be blamed for this, coz other players dont even lag at all, regardless of your location and isp, the server will be as is, of course you gotta depend on your isp too, thats one of the big factors around it.
  14. -1 sir ray is right its kinda useless
  15. try restarting your pc and modem, if still persist re DL the whole copy again
  16. welcome to forsaken ro sir/mam, if your not busy hit pm me here so we can chat in game.. see yeah xD

  18. they think its a joke, some player making a character names like "Allah Akbar" you can pink any name, but that? WRONG TIMING NOT NOW

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      I don't really think much about it since this is just a game... everyone has the freedom to name whatever names they want for there character.... some may see it as insensitive... though he/she may intented it as a joke... like how people sometimes use *popular figures... you should just learn how to deal with such people... i do agree with water that the whole prayforfrance thing is a little too unnecessary since a lot of people die from terrorist attack around the world... qouting on wh...

    3. kyoshiro029


      * qouting on what you said *its not mainstream... feels so unnatural... its like you're saying you don't care about other people dying from similar attacks because they weren't reported on tv or in the internet... *just saying... please don't hate... just my reaction

    4. kyoshiro029


      On my part... you can express what you feel about what happened even without the # things

  19. the elders have spoken...its for the benefit of all and specially the economy as well, theres nothing left to discuss here, "respect*
  20. im cool with it thats why its just a suggestion
  21. see the elders will have to say, they say only one thing, it's stupid btw not all players can afford LTD hats since 80% of the population in the server are semi geared players like you sir, so many players depend on vote items, expansion hats are exclusive, if you do this in the legendary hats no one will ever donate in the token shop, the updates made by the admin will be worthless because all players will only use legendary hats with stats of expansion, that's crazy dude lol
  22. -1 to this, thats the difference between the two, expansion hats are different to legendaries, just think, if they implemented this the economy will crash because the server is being over populated with legedary headgears with the same stats as expansion hats, you dont want that to happen dont you? this is not gonna happen at all its impossible sir, its way out of this universe this will happen as you've said "it's just a sake for fashion to me" means you only care to what you think or benefit for you lol its pathetic, plain and simple
  23. +1 to this.. i was hoping before its an expansion hat, but its not
  24. if you got ss, then this players fate is sealed
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