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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. 'While attacking' seems easy enough to manage ^^ Priests often have to relly on autocasting spells so seeing priests whacking people with a book isn't anything new and totally out of the concept of the class... "Repent...! *whacks the eretic with a bibble* ...For your sins! *random Asura Strike from Ifrit rings*" Alternatively, the book could grant the user the abillity to cast Lv 1 Gospel; at level 1, it is too useless to be as great for support as the Paladin's is. But even on lv 1, it can be used to undo the link, seeing as one of the points against the suggestion that actually came from a priest user was "We sometimes need to be out of link to play well, or we can get destroyed by maya." Gospel is a 'religious' skill, so it isn't totally out of the class's concept, i'd say it fits them well actually; you see more monks/priests singing than Church Warriors. i'm well aware Gospel also undoes Strip Effects, but i honestly don't think priests can become overpowered by this seeing as it also undoes all the buffs the priest has, and re-equipping plus recasting buffs can be a bit of a hassle. Against one biased argument "Priests are a supporting class." Did it ever occour to you that Impositio Manus and Aspersio, buffs meant to help on offense, can be cast on self by a priest? Lex Aeterna can be used even if the priest is alone? The Soul Link buffs the damage inflicted with Holy Light, and not the amount Heal recoveries? That they possess the skill Mace Mastery(a skill that improves the ATK force of a weapon)? Though as it might not be for us with our F sets, Scarves and F Soldier cards, Undead property armor is a great asset for woe and PvP on low rates, and it opens the user up for Magnus Exorcismus? That there's an array of legit items that either boost Holy Light & Magnus Exorcismus's damage or grant priests autocasting of attack abilities? Priests have combat potential. Also this is a PvP server, every class needs to be able to carry their weight on a battle field. If RO wasn't supposed to be PK all over the place(the PK system was never implemented on iRO and kRO), then i guess priests can be more combat efficient in a more agressive enviroment? i believe this is precisely the reason for the creation of this weapon. You'd be surprised, but most professors on low rate use a build that focus on Vit and Dex while having no Int whatsoever, they don't even master any bolts or get the skill 'Double Cast', they are indeed considered a support class on low rates too, and i'm sure you've already seen just how well a professor can kill on our server... Also, there's always GTB. Priests will never become overpowered with a Holy Light based build...never more than a wizzard or a professor. So i don't see any reason for such terror in your faces... "OMG 999k Holy Light damage!!" *puts on GTB* 8D
  2. "2% chance of auto-casting Soul Link on the user." Now for an important set of questions that can be considered a single one; While being attacked? While attacking? Or while making a magic attack? Its a kind of an important detail to just skim through you know...
  3. Since this is in a suggestion topic, allow me to view it as such and try to meassure its validity... 1. Although the Cat Paws are extremely weak weapons when compared to any other of the custom weapons, they are the katar equivalent sinx have among valkyrie weapons. Even if the Sinx class has a total of 5 valkyrie weapons, i can say that none of them is worth, i can agree that sinx need more loving. But i still think the sinx players need to give a bit more of input on what exactly would make them happier with their class instead of just ranting how awful they are. 2. i'm not really sure i follow some of these points; you call the weapon pointless and then states they made professors harder to kill? i agree that the weapon is pointless and much inferior to the already existing one, if thats what you were trying to say then okay i agree. But i suggest you try playing the class instead of spewing untruthful things, if that's not what you meant. Have you tried wearing a GTB when facing a professor? It works wonders on making them into sitting ducks. You can try maya too when you're more confident. Stavecrasher? that tickles you? The only time in my entire life i died for a stavecrasher i was wearing devilings+maya and there was this wizzard spamming stavecrasher on me with thana while standing on a deluge with his friend HP Lexing me...skolls+gtb works wonders. 3. A magical weapon will rape people because of thana?...get a pair of skolls please. 4. The spear is based on a spiral pierce build, the sword is based on a bowling bash build. Lord Knights are supposed to be damaging powerhouses and having great HP, and there is nothing wrong in giving them boosts that help them fit the role. And i don't find their damage THAT impressive either >.> 5. The New paladin weapon adds 10% HP where the older one adds 15%, your statement is invalid; the new weapon is more offensive oriented and lowers HP when compared the the older one, please pay attention to detail and say something when you have the correct data. Paladins are resilient because of their build; they can't go around surprize attacking people and killing them on a skill spam streak. Some might, but the rare damaging builds can't take as much punishment as the tanking one. You can potentially get any class make them pure vit and survive lot, its just that Paladins are the ones that benefit the most from such build. 6. The WS class was extremely underpowered untill the release of the weapon, i believe the weapon gave them means to fight well both offensively and defensively, it was a great improvement, they waited long enough, they deserved it. You can however wear skolls and slide under their own pneuma to avoid the tomahawk. 7. From this moment sinx are the only ones who still have two handed weapon in which they depend, i can't agree on nerfing the GS gun, not wearing a shield is a huge set back. Desperado always was a strong skill tho, a Desp spamming GS always was and always will be a bad match for a sinx. 8. Ninja is a tricky class, but easy to deal with, i met about 3 effective ninjas, the rest were just wanabes. To fight a ninja you must be a bit tricky too; as a sinx you can kill a FS spamming ninja with Throw-freaking-Stone, but poison react also works. Maya is a better card to deal with profs and ninjas than GTB, switch them around as you need. They also were awful before the weapon. 9. You're kidding right?? i dare say creators are one of the most underpowered classes currently(and were before too), their new weapon looks promising but it turns out it is a joke, and gives no solid advantage to a class that has been asking for boosts as fas as i remember and still are. Try putting on GR and you'll see that creators aren't anything special. i get the impression this is the point of view of a new player that likes sinx most and wants to be able to kill everything overnight. i advise you to try and full gear yourself, acquire experience as a player(not just gear up your character, but improve YOURself also), and then try things out, ask people for tips, observe a bit. Wanting to nerf every class of the game but yours is not exactly the way to find balance. Donating isn't all that hard if you're in that much of a hurry you know, it helps you get better and helps the server, seriously, getting 30$ a month to spare for like 3~5 months is easy stuff, in many online gaming, you have to pay like 20$ monthly just to play and don't get a staff that's actually willing to listen to you if you come with ideas. Speaking on ideas, get your data straight when you do make something like a suggestion. Try things out, and come with a present tense, valid points about the problem you're assessing and possible solutions, not an overly agressive post, full of preposterous assumptions, untruthful statements and completely lacking of any useful content. Overall, i can't agree with anything suggested, because really...nothing was suggested...
  4. Sorrow

    Super Novice.

    i'd personally like a +20 to INT and STR to be their effect on the scarf.
  5. Sorrow

    Skoll Card

    Sir, thanatos card is supposed to be a tactical advantage, a luxury, not a freaking overpowered all-around-kill-everything-no-matter-what-they-equip, it is powerful enough as it is; in some cases you can instantly kill an opponent in a single blow, i've seen Lord Knights hit 300k bowling bash on people without skollls. The server is really doing the best it can(by hard work of the staff testing and employing many new ideas to help balance) to be more newbe-friendly, giving an even larger edge to already super cheap and overinflated items that belong to moneybags is NOT the right way to balance out both gameplay and new/old member's play level. Also, sir, keep in mind that nerfing Skoll to buff even more something that's already way too powerful, you're also nerfing Inca. And further nerfing classes of lower health pool who need gigantic amounts of vit to get HP anywhere near descent. Gotta think well about a suggestion you're making and try and see beyond your own nose. "oh i 'worked so hard' for this 9k toks piece of junk! i can kill people withoput skolls in a couple seconds, but i should be able to kill everything without ever changing weapon by using it, regardless of what they use!" >.> i call that, sir, complaining on a bellyfull. tl;dr=suggestion suks, me no aproves. Have a good day Sir.
  6. Lets add a 5% chance of autocasting Star Gladiator Spirit on self while being atacked? ;D
  7. Personally i liked the HP boost(and other boosts) for whitesmiths and i still think they deserve more! Yep...they are that underpowered, it hurts so badly xP As for the Tao effect...maybe...i think 30% is a too slim bonus for most, heck wizzards still suck even on 60% x3
  8. Heya there :3 The foods aren't really that valuable, i never see any one interested in them, occasionaly though, we get events with special monsters that drop special candies that are just like them, but some can boost so much as +20 on all stats, these usually interest people, but said candies are available only from time to time. Some MvPs are heavily camped and kept(as the campers know when they'll be back), i advise you to try and use the Sage skill Hocus Pokus to make your own MvPs, Screen Shot your summons so you can report any KSers(summoned MvPs are yours, naturally spawned ones are free for all). There are custom cards, but there's only few that are still useful compared to the other natural MvP cards, like Skolls, which reduce your defense so that you can get protection against cheap Thanatos Card users. But don't worry, skolls are very easy to come by. Some other custom cards can be very useful, but don't worry, none of them are overpowered if compared to an MvP card. Seeds and Berries are our main 'pots' as normal potions have no use whatsoever unless on the annihilation event. You can buy and sell them at a rate of 300(3 yggdrasil berry tickets) for one token, and 500(5 yggdrasil seed tickets) for one token. You can hunt for them on places like for_fild02 and the for_dun, or in the special Seed hunting room, which you can rent the passes to access the area on the city's NPC 'Renter'. The exchange for zenny goes at a rate of 20 to 30 million zenny per Donation Token. Zenny still is useful for a bunch of things like broadcasting and buying catalysts.
  9. Sorrow

    Valkyrie Classes

    Hnnnn...i'd like to put EDP on Paladins... :3
  10. Sorrow


    Agreed for the gun. Disagreed for whip and guitar. Why? Sorry, but Clowns and Gypsies are far too overpowered, they got their "Arrow Vulcan" Valkyrie weapon they all oh so wanted since the release of their bow, be happy with it. If they can kill you when you're on Usa(by using TCoF which causes coma at an alarming chance) and can kill you when you GTB(Arrow Vulcan is a very strong skill that can kill most classes in a single spam string when they're not on reductions). Then i'd say low survivability is what they deserve for such killing potential. On the other hand, Gunslingers can be conveniently dealt with by using only Usa. No other class in the game can kill so well both Usa users and GTB users, they do not deserve higher survival ability.
  11. Sorrow


    i would really like if Champions were able to wear it as well, its the coolest aura in the server ;P i'd also like to have it more centered as Sera propposed in this suggestion. Also HalfDemon, the topic might be a bit old, but so long it hasn't been accepted or rejected i believe anyone can have a say in them. The problem in enabling the sprite as a headgear usable by everyone, is that the issue with ROP is precisely a sprite it has in the middle of the Asura Strike animation, which is unexisting/buggy and causes everyone witnessing it to randomly crash when they watch it from a certain angle. So long as the sprite isn't fixed, it can't be enabled to champs even if it was to be a fashion-only equipment seeing as it would still cause random crashes and therefore getting abused in WOE and GVG as it has been several times.
  12. Champions always were and still are the server's most powerful/cheap class, i hate their guts, so yeah i don't think they deserve any kind of boost whatsoever in any aspect, form, shape or size. Sorry if my opinion seems biased but that comes out of my 2 years experience dealing with these around here. They can freely equip GTB to nullify magical damage, they can use Pneuma to avoid any sort of ranged damage, they can use Ruwatch to reveal clocking people, they can easily enough avoid contact for meelee damage with Sissy Step(i mean...Snap! xD), they can use Blessing, Increase and Decrease AGI, which are great buffs/debuff, they have an awesome damaging skill for range(TSS) and they got the game's strongest/most-broken-thanks-to-high-rate damaging skill to boot. The Dorcus is still the best weapon, even if wins the Elite Knuckle slightly, for the cheapest class in the game. Everyone likes to play as champs therefore the demand for the weapon still is high even if it isn't as ground breakingly awesome as some other valkyrie weapons are. Boosts via the items are given to classes that need them to get anywhere near descent(before the valkyrie weapons, stalkers were one of the most underated classes), and champs still have to face many nerfs to be considered balanced in my opinion. But i digress...unfortunately i'll have to disagree to the suggestion ^^" its nothing against anyone in particular...i just hate how broken this class is, that's all XD
  13. i've never tested this card out, but seeing as everyone is saying the chances are very slim, then i must say the card most certainly WAS tampered with, original chances are 10% for weapon and 7% for armor and we must all agree that anything hitting at 195 ASPD with 7% chance of working would have its effect in a matter of seconds! xD @HalfDemon=F Armor is not indestructable unless you use RSX or Cornutus cards on it...i break it all the time with AD. So yeah, based on this data we gathered here, i think its safe to assume that someone nerfed the hell out of WS card XD! Which class you tried it with? i know that Valkyrie Randgris card was nerfed a lot but only when Sinx use it, maybe WS was nerfed along, but i could be wrong. Thinking back on it, i believe there were several suggestions asking for a nerf in the WS card because it was used way too much and it was annoying, the suggestion must've been accepted at some point...seeing as there never were any others of the same nature for quite a while and the present situation of the card :S
  14. Sorrow

    Custom Commands

    *Well, @whomap...i personaly think it should be a Gm exclusive command, its not needed for game play(but i supposed it is great for management and other GM tasks i suppose) and could generate some annoyances/exploits. Besides people have some right to privacity i guess? *i really like the option of autolooting multiple specific items, at least 3~5 would be the ideal. i agree, but while it doesn't happen, i'd advise you to get lots of pet armos such as pacifiers and fill your inventory with just the thigns you want to loot and fill the rest with the pet armors, this way you can use @autoloot 100% and loot only what you want ;3 Farmer's hint here! But ya i totally agree with it, it'd make our already complicated lives so much better to have that simplification ^^ *i'd love to have @die available, its such a useful thing to have...specially when MVPing with hocus pokus. i'd agree witth you, but it seems the amount of people who'd disagree for one way or another would be much greater than people who agree so, i once again advise you to carry like 10 EDP bottles with you; if you're not a sinx and consume it, its instant kill, it works like the @die...only it uses a EDP bottle xD doesn't work for sinx but you can use it with anyone else ^^ Either that or you can put on one of your chat hotkeys the following warp @warp ayo_dun01 24 26, should work as well, not usable for woe tho. *i agree with that command as well, @whosell could be a great asset for the server for either new players and regular players.
  15. Forgot the spell xP LV 10 Lightning Spear of Ice
  16. Then i guess 80% magic damage reduction + coma immunity is enough ^^ no need to immunity to any other ailment, just coma is OP, its like...instant kill.
  17. That's unfortunate, so much for thatt idea xD well then i guess just having coma immunity along with the magic reduction? is it possible to be immune to coma other than nullifiying attacks with mental properties? Dispell is a problem but we can survive it, but coma...not so much.
  18. *Silver Thief Bug Card -Shield card. -Prefix; Bad hearing~ Ex: Bad Hearing Frigg's Shield. -Reduces 80% of magic damage dealt. Nullifies buffs over the user as well as other magic skills and status ailments.(yup coma and and dispell nullified, it is precisely why i wear GTB anyhows) Lame i know...but hey, that's what came to mind on that special card idea! Zeit once said FRO has the script to nerf GTB and its possible...so it tshould be posssible to make a new card which is just like a nerfed GTB ;D
  19. ^ Upon reviewing each reply on the topic and going so far as counting posts and people...i came to the shocking conclusion 3 people disliked the idea VS 16 who liked. 1 of the people who disliked is you, the other two just said 'i agree with nines'. So, the 'so many people' is 3 vs 16...and the 'valid reasons' are your own...i'd call the above quoted statement a bit of bias of your part...but you may disagree with me xD And here's my counter vs 'valid reasons' :3 *1-Many ways to randomly generate it, and prove it was randomly generated, as others proposed. *2 & 3-The discussion is working around it, take part and you may be able help to solve. *4 & 5-Everyone gets one FCP in the start(said in the first post of Sera if you actually read it all o---o) after that you may use strips if you survive enough. That seems fair enough. *7-nonsense doesn't really count as 'valid reason' *8-Sera is proposing solutions to that. (Tip; reading posts fully can sometimes be benefitial to understand what's being proposed seeing as skimming might hide important details from your attention. Just a hint tho, you may disregard/skim/TD;DR this ;D) *9-The innitiative of bringing new things to entertain us with is nowhere near 'dumb', you should know; you suggested interesting ideas yourself(which i also liked BTW) in the same attempt. @Topic; the fixed gear problem might be a huge issue; switching gears is part of basic survival, and problem such as bringing skolls to fight a champ might not be the best predicament of the world...and being forced to use Ghostring against a Sniper or Gypsy isn't the best either. Given Solution; permission to have a limit 2~3 pieces plus whatever's equipped. In like, the participant gets to choose 3 additional pieces to switch to. It may be a combination of a spare shield, spare armor & a secondary weapon, just as an exemple. So the participant has 2~3 'slots' to put in spare equipment s/he might need. It might screw up strategy and the element of 'surprize' and bluffs(mind games are a great part of winning 1 on 1 matches) if there's no possible gear switching at all. @Orc Lord; got reflected both get a win, in a best of 3 match, 2 ties or one tie after each got a victory is a disqualification(2 vs 2 which is 4 in a best of 3), best of 5 follows the same formula, nothing to it ^^
  20. Sorrow

    Certain Things

    Precisely what i was thinking :3 in fact, i'm trying to develpop a weapon project with these interesting characteristics. While forced to GTB AD can get a chance to deal descent damage, and if not on GTB their magic will take care of that, sounds like a winner xD For homunculus, i was tthinking in maybe making them into something like the guardiams in woe are now...except maybe much less HP but still enough to be a nuissance(like surviving 3 asuras maybe), since they can't really wear reductions, we'd have to somewhow cap Vanil's special skill though if that was to happen. Mob editions are possible so maybe tweak up a bit the plants too, i remember in low rate...autocasting fun with hydras and tanking+meeleeing goodness with geographers! xD
  21. Sorrow

    Sinx Kitty Claw?

    You forgot the priest Danny xD Oh tell him to grab a priest to help too! Assumptio will make sure the damage he eats isn't so severe the pally can't take it! And Lex will add another SB to his spam(first SB with 2x damage+whatever he can get). But it would be grat if he could get a F Elite Dagger and a couple shields to switch to in a pinch.
  22. Sorrow

    Certain Things

    Oh~ i was reffering to Bomb/Demonstration and Acid Terror xD Since i did make a mention on Mammo individually; they're terrible to be built upon cause if the Creator goes pure STR, s/he can't use their greatest skill, become penalized in the range, becomes easily reflectable, and will end up coasting more than AD type(consuming zenny on each mammo, verters and considerably more yggs for lack of SP/being reflected) And yeah poor thingies...i'm currently maining creators to get a feel for what they really need, they are one of my favorite classes.
  23. Sorrow

    Certain Things

    Creators are very underpowered ATM. Coastly in therms of zenny, most powerful skill is INT based and extremely nerfed in potency VS GR, their other offensive skills, STR based and weak by nature for not benefitting of %+ cards, mammonite is terrible to be built uppon, homunculus have no utility other than Lif with her speed pot effect, summmoning skills, useless because their plants have low-rate stats. But i see no reason for agreeing with the suggestion sorry...creators are in need of SERIOUS buffing to become combat-able in full gearing scale, these changes won't make a difference at all. Also, i'd never agree on a buff favoring the currently cheapest class of the game(Clowns/Gypsy), sorry!
  24. As a user of professor(fave class), i see no problem in allowing GTB; its been part of the game in here since like ever, despite my many complains. Yup GTB stops coma from the Tarot card, which is precisely why GTB is a must, no GTB allowed and you're asking to see many full taroting Clowns around, a professor and a wizzard(even a ninja and a soul linker) can work their way around GTB to some extent, but NO ONE can work their way around that instant kill clowns can do. If GTB isn't allowed, wait till you get a match up of Prof vs Clown and watch your bolts all coming back at you, Heaven's Drive and Thunder storm having no effect and Stave Crasher just tickling the guy...well...watch till you're coma'd at least, which won't take long. With how nerfed they are, i'd be really surprized someone actually using a priest in a pvp tournament; their best shot at winning would be a linked holy light spam, and not only 1 vs 1 already rules spirits out, they can still have their mojo nullified or turned against them, and well, champ vs sniper always has been the worst match up for a sniper, still snipers have really good chances against many other classes. The idea can be really interesting, just because our fave classes don't have much of a chance for being alone, it doesn't mean we can't choose another, more rounded out, class to take part in, or try it out on our fave for the heck of it. Just keep in mind that the class choice is yours, its not like anyone is saying "play sniper so we can defeat you easily with champs!" After all; people are always crying, even over the Broadcaster, "you can't win without gang! bwabwa D,:" There's the chance to get that solo fights everyone seems so hungry for. Besides, the admins have been doing a great job in balancing things out, who would've guessed Stalkers and Snipers would be so good to play now when you've tried them out before the Valkyrie weapons? Sooner than your think, the class you like the most might be more self sufficient. Its strange how people are using the argument "Rich get richer" and no one even thought of ruling out Thanatos card(OP rich people's exclusivity)and other very expensive/OP/rare items...or suggesting this tournament to be Non-donation only; anyone can gear up nicely for non-donation 1 week after joining the server with pure farming. TL;DR=Stop mopping and enjoy the ride, it'll be fun ;D You should be more worried in the ruling for the event rather than pointing 'everyone-already-knows' class match up scenarios. i don't see these things as good reasons for disagreeing with this idea. No offense to anyone, just try and look at the bigger picture, instead of making that silly little detail that doesn't suit you be a reason to turn down something that can be a lot of fun :3
  25. Stalker? On the other hand! If i was to play this, i'd go creator all the way! XD About the Orc Lord issue; i agree it should be allowed, champs will go all out if they are certain that the person they are going to attack isn't using/is unable to use, Orc Lords; besides, Paladins can eat up asuras, killing the Champ and surviving the proccess, not allowing them to use their specialty is not very nice... Its simple to come up with a solution; if both die, both are disqualified. Champs have more options of attack, not only asura. And someone porpousedly reflecting a champ dying when doing it won't have much of a shot on winning so there. i also would say that a LMS thingie should be enforced; no running around non-stop just to wait FCP go by, the 10 minutes that FCP would stay on are to be filled with hot action. All in all, i like the idea :3
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