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About zerochilds

  • Birthday 11/09/1993

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    Me Me more of me and me....I'm not conceited tho.

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Novice (1/10)



  1. YAY I AM THE BACKS (as starfire would say) it is ok I am not the DEADS~~~~

  2. Have fun dishing out lots of munnys m8.
  3. Had to stop due to the salty kids and horrible lag in pvp. Doctor said neither was good for my heart (/s). Might pvp here tho when I can stop being so confused on simple things
  4. Wake up, grind, go to sleep. My life consist of tis now, thanks FRo I can't sleep without getting stuff done. You know why I do this??? Cause.....I wanna be the very best...... :th_hmm: Im sori ill go back to my grinds
  5. TFW you find out there are different coloured transparent plates #brbbreakingmycompwithhammer

  6. Could someone help me get 2 anvils from LHZ i love you, you're the best, you da real mvp thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zerochilds


      wait is there really a space inbetween?

    3. Aerofox


      Yes, no, maybe?

    4. zerochilds


      Tried "user offline" you know i be a total scrub with RO UI

  7. Soooo LHZ is fun (can't get anvil, seems legit)

  8. 920 pickaxes for this forsaken dungeon mission. Praying to RNGjesus.....

  9. 'nother grind for the weapon Q_Q plz don't hurt me Q_Q

    1. Aerofox


      *sits casually with a cup of cocoa and cookies while watches you farm intensely* hue

    2. zerochilds


      *cries while mining* hardwork is a hard Q_Q

    3. Roxas


      *Steals Aeros Cocoa and forces him to help other players*

  10. For the love of all things that is holy. why are the equipment missons tidious as whoknowswhy but if I wanna get my butt handed to me all I gotta do is go outside #stopwiththegodforsakentidiousquestplox

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rayray


      ^ add the fact that no one was actually kind enough to tell where the next npc is. :)

    3. kyoshiro029


      Yeah..it was pretty tough to grind it out.... still have my elite clown and champion set .... lol

    4. zerochilds


      @veracity Im not mad at them for being difficult actually I kinda like the grind but things like "gain 140mil zenny because of reasons" feels like a throw for a curve since the whole time Im doing it my weapon doesn't defend me from the pkers who feel like I should be punished also because of reasons. Maybe it's just me being new to RO in general that annoys me. idk I tried farming for a sub weapon tho and was sorely disappointed after finding out that it could only be sold. m...

  11. We can adopt ppl wow much cools
  12. I fixed it hey yo when you go to the setting thing Click the Lua button instead it didn't give me any problems and it works yo.. also sorry for double post
  13. I've already tried that GM it just says that error code no matter what I put in. more like the system error but yeah idk I've reloaded files and junk but yeah still more problems ~_~
  14. So I've done all that patching stuff, did the small patcher, did the manual patching when the small patcher didnt work. I'm out of ideas and reallly need help, the game seems to be running when I pull up task manager just never shows on my screen. :th_e33: help please Q_Q found out how to get to the options and junk now theres this problem... Selected settings engine has determined, that your installation state will interfere with the correct loading and saving of settings. See opensetup.log for details. System Error (0x00000002, 2): The system cannot find the file specified.
  15. Hi hi hi I'm brand new to like everything that is RO. heard about it long ago but was to lazy to pick up and play. found this private server now I need to find people. (sori am social bug, sori to introverts out there.) SOOO the big question is who wants to be the robin to my batman? I am selling my annoying friend tactics free for $50 lul. JK really tho looking for people to show me the ropes and junk wanna see how the community is. Im sure its not the stereotypes i've heard before from what I see i'd say this is even more advance than most games (as far as builds and junk) w/e the case NOTICE ME SENPAI!!!
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