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Everything posted by lyryk001

  1. thats a tough one, id have to say pie though. :D TPBM is a chubby panda like me ;D
  2. been a while since i posted here :D and no, hella no! still stuck in my first course but pushing through TPBM keeps alcohol in their bag
  3. quail eggs count right? XD TPBM ate cake today!
  4. sure, every now and then. TPBM still watches a ton of cartoons
  5. im taller by like 3 inches XD TPBM has a beagle for a pet :3
  6. nah, not sure i want to either xD TPBM hates wearing school uniforms
  7. i used to about 4 years ago...got bored and let the hole heal up :)) TPBM has a Siberian husky (i wish i did)
  8. wouldve been great if i did...sadly am asian, but hey its cool, still awesome being asian! TPBM has an awesome beard
  9. hell yeah! thats something id love to do! TPBM got to use a diskman :D
  10. i like them both. :D kinda prefer pb & j sandwiches more though :D TPBM is not a morning person
  11. course i did! had fun with that. :D TPBM loves marshmallows
  12. not a big fan but i dont mind. XD TPBM like to mix really random food together and experiment XD like ketchup and chips ahoy its really weird but tastes good for some reason
  13. happened before. XD TPBM like eating hard candy more than gum
  14. omg! i hate milk! like really do..lactose intolerant here... weird though cheese and other dairy stuff dont make me sick just pure milk haha (hope that counts :D) TPBM has a broken phone charger but still uses it
  15. not as much as i probably should be. XD TPBM loves pizza
  16. oh god! would be totally awesome! :(( TPBM has a really sucky class schedule...
  17. Where I am Now Been playing in this server for about 2 months, and in that time I have met some awesome people, and have had great new experiences. This is the first time I played RO seriously ever since it came out, and I am more than happy that I am doing that in this server. :D Being a noob was honestly really frustrating, but a lot of people helped me out and got me to the level of what I would like to call a "pretty decent player." Without those guys I really wouldn't have lasted long enough to actually enjoy the game as much as i do now. I've played in many other MMoRPG game's and I know for sure that Experience and Hard work in anything always pays off. Maybe someday soon everyone will know my name as a Paladin :D Slightly Soft Shield Paladin
  18. never had too! yay for me! :3 TPBM is a frustrated musician
  19. i wanna say yes, but not really at the same time, so honeslty i dunno XD TPBM has a teddy bear.
  20. im a science guy...find it more than interesting. :D also love the fact that science isnt exact unlike math. haha TPBM prefers dogs over cats
  21. yes i do, but i stop as soon as my teeth start to hurt. hahahaha TPBM loves tattoos or has some
  22. linkin park still kicks ass!

    1. Armstrong



  23. gave flowers! in many instances actually. :D mom, grandmom, gf. :D TPBM- has at least 20gig worth of music stored up. (i have more than that...lol)
  24. not a big fan of them...honestly kinda scared, but i guess ill try it. more like a why not kind of thing XD TPBM is afraid of clowns
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