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Posts posted by barrzabel

  1. Good day/eve FRO GM Team,


    I can't multi client fRO since last week.

    If I open 1 character, the other would be logged out. (Not client crash because the client is still open, it will only bring me to login screen.)

    I thought fRO already forbids to duel/multi client, but I was seeing some of my guildmates has their alt characters logged-in without having any issues.


    Need help, thanks!

  2. Here i will post my dinput.ini


    ; Configuration defaults for ROExt.
    ; Can be changed by client command line switches.
    ; All settings except CodePage use 0 for disable and 1 for enable.

    ; Allow mouse cursor to freely leave and enter RO window.
    ; Command line switch: -mf
    MouseFreedom =1

    ; Remap 3-5'th mouse buttons, requires turned on MouseFreedom
    ;  when KeyRemap is off: to F24-F22
    ;  when KeyRemap is on : to F3-F5 of next skill set
    ; Command line switch: -mb
    RemapMouseButtons =1

    ; Remap closing RO from Alt+F4 to Alt+PrintScreen.
    ; Allow using Alt+F4 in game as regular key.
    ; Command line switch: -altf4
    RemapAltF4 =0

    ; For classic (not Renewal) client only.
    ; Change active skill set by holding Ctrl and Alt keys.
    ; Make Pause,F10-F12 work as F6-F9 of next skill set.
    ; Move original functions of F12 to Shift+Esc, F10/F11 to Alt+Insert/Delete.
    ; Note: pressing or releasing Ctrl or Alt keys during loading screens
    ;  cause permanent active skill set switch instead of temporal.
    ; Command line switch: -key
    KeyRemap =0

    ; Release CPU when RO window is inactive.
    ; Disable Ctrl+S hotkey as this is automatic way to do the same.
    ; Command line switch: -cpu
    AutoFreeCPU =1

    ; Make RO window be always on top.
    ; Command line switch: t after -w
    WindowOnTop =0

    ; Remove RO window borders and lock its position.
    ; Change default window size to cover all screen except task bar.
    ; Command line switch: l after -w
    WindowLock =0

    ; Override RO window position and size.
    ; Ignored if WindowWidth = 0 or WindowHeight = 0.
    ; Command line switch: -wX,Y,Width,Height
    WindowPosX =0
    WindowPosY =0
    WindowWidth =0
    WindowHeight =0

    ; Override codepage used by client, use -1 for no override.
    ; 65001 (UTF-8) makes client work with all languages at the same time.
    ; Don't change until you really know what you are doing.
    ; Command line switch: -cp
    CodePage =-1

  3. Hi fRO team, as soon as the gepard shield was implemented, I noticed something annoying.

    I can't move my mouse out of fRO window. I tried lots of tutorial to enable mouse freedom but it won't work.

    Is that really along with Gepard Shield or just a little bug?


    Please help me about this.



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