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Forsaken Elder
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Roxas last won the day on June 3 2015

Roxas had the most liked content!

About Roxas

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Twilight Town
  • Interests
    Being with friends, living life my way,
    Sea-salt ice cream,
    going to the beach,
    star and moon shapes, watching the sunset

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  • Guild
    ForsakenRO GM Team

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4281 profile views

Roxas's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. you can try reset the position of your characters by going fRO Control Panel -> My Account -> Error-ed Char -> Reset position/Reset Look If that doesn't work, try patching or downloading the small patcher at https://forsaken-ro.net/download/
  2. You don't send a puppy to clean up it's own mess!~

  3. Roxas

    My Favorite Monster

    So much Artistic talent on fro :th_swt3: Loving all the pictures guys and gals, keep up the good work My Favorite monster --> :th_meow: Someone should draw me a big one of her :th_meow: i would love you for ever :th_ok: :th_kis:
  4. When your life takes a turn for the worst.. the only thing to do is stay positive :\

    1. kyoshiro029


      I wish i could... but all that's left for me is this empty feeling inside ....

    2. iamthe1


      when you don't have enough toks to buy item the only thing to do is to ask some discount

  5. Still so hard to face the reality that you're gone.. Rest in Paradise Ellyse, Save me a seat for when i get there :)

  6. How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got? Everything I went through you were standing there by my side And now you gone' be with me for the last ride. Cant believe its been just over two weeks since the last time i spoke to you. Today is harder than others. I dont know why, but i just miss you that little bit extra today. I just want one of your hugs and cheeky smiles today. Love and miss you Ellyse xxx

  7. Welcome :th_e31: Hope you've enjoyed your time here and the time you plan to spend with us If you need any help feel free to PM me on the Forums or add me on skype :th_swt3:
  8. Welcome!~ Hope you enjoy your time here!! Any questions feel free to PM me on the forums or add me on skype :th_ok:
  9. :th_lv: Red Pandas are love :th_lv: Welcome Hope you enjoy your stay here :th_e31:
  10. Gone but never forgotten, God gained another angel today <3 Rest in Paradise Ellyse taken too early :(

  11. Super Quote
  12. Pnuema will block all ranged attacks in a 3x3 aoe not just your party / guild members
  13. Test's Test's and more Test's >.<

  14. i love the ocean :th_e31: especially in the summer TPBM Can surf
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