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Everything posted by garmology

  1. ah so 2 dark illusion cards stacks?
  2. Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

  3. rather do the balloon quest i think xD would you rather find true love or a billion dollars?
  4. oh okay then sir Bishop, so i'd take that word phew :D
  5. hi good day Gm's, i've been hunting mvp's a lot since last year, especially detale who drops essence of fire, i had an new experience last day, from 6am server time from that point i havent seen the shadow of detale since today right now, last day, i remember that theres only few players in the map that time, 2 champs + ME and 1 wizard who's farming in abyss_03, the two champs are mvp parties, , i must say theyre not new because one of them is fully geared, well i can compete with them since i have a good ping (im using pingzapper + 15mbps Internet speed) so when you see me snap it's like lightning fast(like i can scan the whole abyss_03 map around less than 15 seconds), so i was saying from that time until today i havent seen detale's shadow, i want someone to investigate if is someone is using third party programs so they can spot the spawn place of the mvp. if only i can make a ticket about this what proof do i have to i have to show? any help from the forsaken ro team will be a bless, thanks
  6. buying.. paying pure live ign or offer or pm me in game pm_dawn btw NO OP
  7. "Only you can end you suffering, you must be honest with YOURSELF"

  8. so many trollers in go 15 and im what of them /gg huehuehue!!!
  9. B>TealSGW,O.TealZod,ChampBJacket,MinistrelSongHat

  10. B>TealSGW,O.TealZod,ChampBJacket,MinistrelSongHat

  11. i can assure you this animated expansion hats are not for champs coz theyre animated so sad from my bad experience in the witch pumpkin hat i stopped collecting expansion hats for good and gm dont post this things in the tokenshop that theyre are not for champions so sad oh well
  12. What happen to this server? they use to have many donators? now you cant find any of them..i think PHPers killed donators omg sigh../sob

    1. Ochibi


      I think so most of them are pinoys :s

  13. S>+0White Cat Ears[800]tokens only

  14. +1 to this i like new creative ideas, it's up to the sprite team and genesis <3
  15. S>ChampBlessJacket

    1. Sumblime


      Hey Ho, Let's GoHey Ho, Let's GoHey Ho, Let's GoHey Ho, Let's GoHey Ho, Let's GoHey Ho, Let's Go

    2. Serendipity
  16. curiosity kills...sigh
  17. wala na mga ka pt mo kasi un co leader nyo na banned gamit yan kasi
  18. with the knick-knack pady whack lalalala

    1. Aerofox


      I sense an UberDanger fan here.

  19. pulp fiction is the best movie, not for the feint hearted
  20. taboo 1,2 and 3
  21. sorry the set is already sold.
  22. you want that so you can kill more in pvp room and ranked more lol, plain greed my friend.
  23. i'm still king of games here LOL
  24. 1.DC[Dreamcast]Shenmue 1,2 &3 GTA2, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, Dave Mirra BMX, Le Mans 24hr, Resident evil Code Veronica 2.Ps1 - Red Alert Retaliation Ace Combat 2, Gran Turismo 1, FF 7,8 and Chocobo Dungeon, Front Mission 3 3.Ps2 - ZOE[Zone of the Enders] Gran Turismo 3 & 4. FF 9 & X-2, GTA vice city, GTA III, Resident Evil 4, Tony Hawk 3, SIlent Hill 2, Tekken tag, Shadow of Collosus 4.Ps3 - GTA V, COD, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassins Creed IV, etc etc etc... 5.PC games - yuris revenge, age of empires collection, SIMS collection, star craft 1 & 2, diablo 1,2 & 3 ragnarok offline, ragnarok [cant mention other server] and this server fro <3 sorry cant list em all here so lazy to type tons of games here in my room lol p.s. i dont like games [/gg]
  25. B>tealZod+tealBalloonn

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