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Everything posted by x2424x

  1. S/T> :: L.Lk Sword[35]=L.Bio or L.Stalker Bow L.Snip. Bow[35]=L.Bio or L.Stalker Bow L.Gun[35]=L.Bio or L.Stalker Bow Vesper Card[10] Comment below :D
  2. why do genesis needs screen shot?. is he not the one who made description of the custom items on the game?. and i think its too unfair for the buyer, because he/she only depends on the item description. its not the buyers fault. i think its not hard for an admin who controls the game to give refund for this kind of situation.
  3. Ragnarok dota2 cabal online DMC 3-5 Dragon Nest
  4. Guys, i need help. pls, give me stats and Gears for Rapid Smiting Pally. edit: i have::: upper: vote valk helm [Kiel+Kel] mid: Flower ring [ Kiel] lower: Vote Infernal Cape [Maya P.] armor: Vote F.king Armor [GR+TGK] cloak: Vote F.king Cloak [skoll+Skoll] boots: Vote F.King Boots [silver FBH 2x] shield: Vote F.King Shield [GTB] Acc: 2x L. Str Gaunts Weapon: L.Pally Spear[No card yet]
  5. Connection Problem has been resolve, where's our compensation? :D

    1. Aerofox


      April Fools, mofuqa

  6. I'm not buying. drake: priceless inca: 10tok Boss Egnigem card: 10-15tok. *flies away*
  7. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/forum/188-archer/
  8. FAS drains SP so fast. :(
  9. hmm, maybe you can disable bot checker on MVP room?. i always died everytime it pops when i'm farming silver MVP cards. and i think its safe, since it's a mobbed place and bots can't survive there :D
  10. arrow shower is always mysterious skill.
  11. Thank you guys :D thanks, but i already tried this before. but no luck :/
  12. hello, i used to play fRO for about 3wks now. I'm from iRO(international-Official server-renewal), the reason why i played fRO because my VIP subscription on iRO expires, and because of that i can't grind to level. you know hard life :3 this is my 1st time to play private and pre-renewal server. but I'm having a good time here in fRO so i decided to play both server. the reason why i love this server are: The GM's are easy to contact and really helpful. nice community. very good custom quests. balance gameplay.(tradable donates) everything :D bot checker (i always want this to pop-up when my HP is below 30%) LOL! the only thing that i hate is. i can't find working AI for my homunculus/ i copied my AI files from iRO but its not working. if you can give me working AI. pls send me the link :Dthank you, have fun :D IGN: Pineda Harold Medenilla
  13. i think we deserve a compensation. 50 vote points is enough LOL :3 or give us double vote points for 3days :D ho ho ho
  14. does autocast cards works when i'm using AD?. like metallng card, it has 5% chance to cast level 1 strip armor.
  15. sir, what cards should i put on my weapon for MVP?. I'm using Legendary Mace but ironically its an axe type. LMAO
  16. T>L.Bow=L.Knux / Dex Gaunts=Int Gaunts
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  17. sorry, but i dunno that ninjas also don't have unlimited ammo's, i never use ninja class :3 hope, they'll consider this. :3
  18. as title said, :3 since arrows are unlimited :D 1 arrow = Unlimited shot. maybe they can also make it to AB & AG 1 AB & BG=Unli Acid Demonstration / Bomd / Acid Terror :D
  19. maybe they can add special code thing before you can change the e-mail address :3 or they'll send a confirmation message(link) to that email to change it. (Like when activating an account). scenarioA i want to change my email. from [email protected] to [email protected] but before it will completely change the email, a confirmation link will be sent to [email protected] scenarioB i want to change my email. from [email protected] to [email protected] but before it will completely change the email, i need to fill up a form that contains personal info's. fRo is a verygood server. and a good server must have good security :D i think you don't understand why i suggest this. this is not for my own. this for all of us. not all players are playing at home.
  20. sir, 1 question. do sniper kills MVP using FAS or normal attack?. i have access to 3kiels.
  21. those who farms at abyys_03 are geared to farm treasure boxes, if you wanna get rid of them. try other farming spots like thanatos towers(7-12) or get a forsaken dungeon pass. until you can match them.
  22. but doing that is too risky. you don't know someone is watching you. and typing your password in notepad is not a good idea since you're exposing it. right?. and keylogger also determine where did you use copy and paste, I hope GM gonna read this post, and do something with our account security. that's it bro. i played on different shops. that's why i want fro to improve their account security system :D
  23. remove change e-mail option (it's too easy to change) -if i played on a computer with keylogger, there will be 0 chance to recover my account. don't remove change e-mail but add some security questions like "secret Q & A" to change email. i played on this server recently, and i enjoyed it. but account security is really poor. if a player don't have own PC.
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