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Everything posted by Rouchelle

  1. Lol its me!
  2. Reset server!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ochibi
    3. WhyIsThat


      she was banned right? thats why she asks for server reset :D

    4. NumeroUno


      its more fun.. server reset please..

  3. I disagree in this suggest! if you are Old here in FRO just play! and why old player's here are so Puffy?? Acting like a GM?! OMG!! your so ridiculous XD
  4. no its me <3
  5. <3 last Touch <3
  6. I think you both are right this is a Verbal abuse! Gm told me my account is trying to sell in people but i can't sell my account!! That's why i'm shocked! But i think this is a Slander case! because i don't sell my account to everyone /sob I already file a ticket and ask why i got banned Gm's said my account is trying to php but i ask Gm can i see the evidence or proof! Gm's change topic said this no way to unban my account because my account is trying to phper! I play more than a years! This is the 1st time to encounter this situation!! I think this banned case is never to unban because for all of my friends got ban never resolve that case and that's why i can suggest or maybe suggest this "BAIL BANNED ACCOUNT" I think this is favor to this server! I'am willing to Bail my 2 account's because i love my accounts so much!!! That's why i have to suggest this!
  7. I have been here also 2012 till present but Gm doesn't trust me, I don't know why, maybe it's because i am not a donator???! See always donator 1st to make an action! It is UNFAIR OR FAIR?? I admit i'm not a donator but my heart and my loyalties is in this server!! But if there's a problem case! Always Gm said this is a long investigation..I know everyday have so many filing ticket!Yes I know, but you should give us a fair action RIGHT?? But in this suggest! Probably this suggest is would work to acknowledge Bail Ban account?? Maybe problematic player's got banned, doesn't her/she fault this is the way to unban account. For me i admit i am not a donator!! But i am willing to bail my account just back my account because i love my account that's why i can't leave my accounts! So please give your support!!! This is favor who got banned!But his not Fault!!
  8. How can i start, hmmm i think this is the right time to suggest bail ban account, because like me i am the one who involve in ban case but! My case is slandered case, and just auto banned "not necessarily his fault" See All of my days and time,i gave in this server!!! But the misfortune people bad heart send me a slander case i don't know why he or she file me, He/she create a story to slander me! This suggest is help people does not necessarily his fault. This situation is no other way to un-ban the account got banned already! Please spread this suggest!!! This is to be fair to people got ban but necessarily fault. +1 if you agree in this suggestion. +0 if you'r this agree in this suggestion, Thank you...
  9. This is unfair case, NO EVIDENCE TO PROOF just file a ticket and slandered automatic banned PLEASE IM BEGGING GM!! review my case...please please...

    1. sartorius19


      Staffs wont ban an account without any proper and sufficient proof.

      Unless otherwise they are there to witness it.

    2. chiriko


      same as mine too :(

    3. Shino


      @chiriko Your case is not the same, you admitted that it was your friend on your account that tried to php, and we told you that whatever happens with your account is your responsibility. Stop spreading false rumors.

  10. What'?Im Phphed?Ok fine Gm Genisis, I'm not make a ticket for this case, But are you sure that i am phped??I'am not that women that make me a mistake for php . So PLEASE give me a real EVIDENCE,PLEASE HELP ME! GM SHINO/VERACITY/RAIDEN/SR.GM/ PLEASE!! I'M SO BEGGING!!

  11. I can't believe why i am banned..what can i do? i already file ticket, i'm just follow up my ticket case and there i"m banned? /sob please help me..

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